COBOL,FORTRAN and C is commonly known as procedure oriented programming(POP). In procedure oriented approach the problem is viewed as a sequence of things to be done such as reading,calculating and printing. A number of functions are required to perform or accomplish these tasks. The main focus is on function. The technique of hierarchical decomposition has been used to specify the tasks to be completed for solving a problem as shown in figure 2.
Procedure oriented programming consists of list of instructions for the computer to follow and organise these instructions into groups known as functions. When we concentrate on the development of functions, very little attention is given to the data that is being used by various functions.Global data is the data that is being shared by all the functions and each function has its own local data as shown in figure..
- In a large program it is very difficult to find or identify what data is being used by which function.
- It does not model real world problem very well.
- Emphasis on doing things(algorithm) means the main focus is on writing algorithms.
- Most of the functions share global data.
- TOP DOWN APPROACH in program design.
- Functions transform data from one form to another.
- Data move openly around the system from one function to another.
- Large program is divided into smaller programs known as functions.
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