Always Keep In Mind THINK AHEAD STAY AHEAD thought to generate confidence among it for crossing a Barriar. So I am providing you some useful tips to cross the barriar that is IIT-JEE exam.INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY-JOINT ENTRANCE EXAM(IIT-JEE) exam held across the country on 8 April , STUDY TIPS AND TRICKS BLOG offers last-minute tips on how to crack the test. With over 5 lakh students exepected to appear for IIT-JEE exam this year, the competition is going to be tough. So how do you prepare youself for a cracking performance? Some tips and Tricks are:
Two Important Tips:
- You should try and keep in touch with every topic.
- At this stage main focus on organic and inorganic chemistry.
- Mathematics and Physics are conceptual and devoting as less as an hour or two to these subjects every day should be fine.
- Make short notes and highlights of chapters,concepts and formulas.
- Revise complete syllabus starting with concepts you understand very well.
- Don't leave any topic because some questions in the exam are very easy based on simple basic topics.
- Solving a few problems from your notes , study material and last years papers of IIT-JEE will help you to build the confidence.
- Pay equal attention to all the three subjects(PCM) by devoting specific hours during the day.
- Last but not the least make notes of concepts, clues and formulas which help you to retrive them quickly during the examination.
- Keep mind fresh one day before the exam and just study notes not whole syllabuss.
- Solve a question paper one day before the examination(with in time limits) because it maintains temprament in the exam.
IIT-JEE includes both tough and easy questions. So if you find a question difficult in the paper,remember majority of students would feel the same.
- Keep the order of subjects you are attempting the same as the one you are used to attempting at your coaching classes/practice hours. This will ensure that your mind is at ease during the exam.
- Spend not more than 5 minutes on any particular problem.
- Try to complete the physics and chemistry sections around 30 to 45 minutes and mathematics section in hour and an half.
- Don't try too much of guesswork
- First of all try to attempt questions that carry more marks. This will maximize your attempt.
- The most important trick is try to solve mathematics quertions with the help of graphs and diagrams.
- Beware of calculation errors in chemistry and physics numericals.
NOTE: Do not listen to anybody other than your inner self. Be confident of your Abilities and don't get distracted by random advice about the pattern of questions.
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