Basic Intro About ASCII Values:
char is a keyword used to indicate the Character Type Data. The Data may be a Character constant or String Constant.
- A Character Constant may be defined as any single Character enclosed with in a pair of apostrophes. Examples : 'a' , 'd' , 'g' etc.
- A string constant is defined as a sequence of characters placed between double quotes. Examples : "Computer" , "system" , "hello" etc. The string constant is terminated by a null character (\0).
Each Character Constant has an Integer value. The value is Given by the ASCII( American Standard Code For Information Interchange) Character Set. Some of the Character constants and their ASCII values are:
Character Constant 'A' 'B' 'Z' 'a' 'z' '0' '9' '&' '=' '{' | ASCII Values 65 66 90 97 122 48 57 38 61 123 |
void main()
char string[20];
int n, kount=0;
printf("How many characters ? ");
scanf("%d" , &n);
printf(" Enter the string of %d characters\n" , n);
scanf("%s" , string);
while( kount<n )
printf(" %c = %d\n" , string[kount] , string[kount] );
++ kount ;
} /* End of while */
} /* End of main() */
- ++kount can also be written as kount = kount+1.
- ++kount indicates pre increment. The value of kount must be increment before it is used ( increment and use).
How many characters ?
Enter the string of 3 characters
c = 99
a = 97
t = 116
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