Statement of C Program: This Program finds all the Roots of a Quadratic Equation, for non-zero cofficients:
float A , B , C , root1 , root2;
float realp , imgp , disc;
/* realp stands for Real Part and imgp stands for Imaginary Part */
/* realp stands for Real Part and imgp stands for Imaginary Part */
printf(" Enter the values of A , B and C\n");
scanf("%f%f%f" , &A , &B , &C);
printf(" Error: Roots cannot be determined\n");
dis = (B * B) - (4 * A * C);
printf(" Imaginary Roots\n");
realp = -B/(2*A);
imagp = sqrt(abs(disc))/(2*A);
printf(" Root1 = %f + i%f\n" , realp , imagp);
printf(" Root2 = %f - i%f\n" , realp , imagp);
else if( disc == 0)
printf(" Roots are real and equal\n");
root1 = -B/(2 * A);
root2 = Root1;
printf(" Root1 = %f\n" , root1);
printf(" Root2 =%f\n" , root2);
else if(disc>0)
printf(" Roots are real and distinct\n");
root1 = (-B + sqrt(disc))/(2*A);
root2 = (-B - sqrt(disc))/(2*A);
printf(" Root1 = %f\n" , root1);
printf(" Root2 = %f\n" , root2);
} /* End of main() */
Enter the values of A , B and C
3 2 1
Imaginary roots
Root1 = -0.3333 + i0.471402
Root2 = -0.3333 - i0.471405
Enter the values of A , B and C
1 2 1
Roots are real and equal
Root1 = -1.0000
Root2 = -1.0000
Enter the values of A , B and C
3 5 2
Roots are real and distinct
Root1 = -0.666667
Root2 = -1.000000
That's All !
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