Function of void main() :
- Main function of every C and C++ program.
- The execution of C program starts with the main() function.
- No program run without main() function.
- There is no difference between void main() and main().
Statement of C program: Enter the Temprature in Fahrenheit and converts Fahrenheit into Celsius:
void main()
float ft , ct; // ft stands for fahrenheit temprature.
// ct stands for celsius temprature.
printf("Enter the temprature in fahrenheit/n");
scanf("%f" , &ft);
ct=(ft-32)/18; // Formula of Celsius
printf("Fahrenheit temprature = %f/n" , ft);
printf("Celsius temprature = %f/n" ,ct);
Enter the temprature in fahrenheit
Fahrenheit temprature = 64
Celsius temprature = 1.7777....
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