Hadirnya system Snow Leopard bukan berarti untuk mengancam dominasi desktop Microsoft Windows 7. Berikut perbedaan utama Snow Leopard dan Windows 7 :
Windows 7 akan dijalankan di hardware PC. Dengan adanya processor yang cepat dan RAM lebih besar maka akan mampu menambah performance system, namun Windows 7 hanya meminta spesifikasi minimum CPU 1GHz dan RAM 1GB. Di sisi lain, Snow Leopard hanya akan bekerja di system Mac berbasis Intel, dengan spesifikasi minimum memory 1GB dan free space harddisk 5GB. Hal itu berarti Snow Leopard tidak bekerja di semua system yang biasa digunakan user, namun oleh pengguna Mac OS X.
System baru dan lama
Snow Leopard bukanlah sebuah system operasi yang baru. Snow Leopard hanyalah sebuah update performance dengan beberapa fitur tambahan. Sementara dari Microsoft, pihaknya menambah Windows 7 dalam seri Service Pack dan gratis. Windows 7 merupakan system operasi baru, hanya memiliki user interface yang sama. Mungkin dapat dibedakan dengan penampilan Windows Vista dan Windows 7 Beta. Snow Leopard memiliki tambahan fitur, namun ada perkecualian untuk support Microsoft Exchange. Sedangkan untuk Windows 7 tampaknya support untuk Mac OS X seperti pada Windows Vista.
Baik Windows 7 ataupun Snow Leopard memiliki improvisasi dari masing-masing vendor. Namun, tidak diragukan bahwa Windows 7 memiliki interface yang cantik untuk ukuran Windows, namun Apple memiliki penampilan baru, terutama Windows Taskbar. Snow Leopard hadir dengan perubahan interface Welcome Screen, termasuk menu Services, interface Quick Time, Safari terbaru, yang membawa style iTunes untuk situs favorit dan browser history. Sementara di Windows 7 ada icon thumbnail Taskbar dan user akan mendapatkan preview pop-up style OS X yang memudahkan user untuk mendengarkan MP3 tanpa membuka Windows Media Player.
Windows 7 lebih cepat daripada Vista untuk proses booting, sleep and wake, shutdown, dan copy file. Sementara Snow Leopard membuat program yang memaksimalkan processor grafis untuk mendorong performance tenaga kuda, walaupun di Snow Leopard juga membutuhkan graphics kit OpenCL dan Grand Central Dispatch untuk mendukungnya, seperti jika di Windows 7 terdapat graphics kit DirectX 11.
Fitur touch
Windows 7 memiliki Windows Touch, yang support dengan input style iPhone multi-touch. Sedangkan Mac OS X Snow Leopard support trackpad via laptop.
Keunggulan dan Kelemahan lainnya
Apple mengalahkan Microsoft dalam beberapa hal. Snow Leopard lebih murah dengan harga £25, dan Windows 7 Home Premium sebesar £64.98 di Amazon. Instalasi Windows 7 sama seperti di Windows XP, yang membutuhkan instalasi yang bersih, dan upgrade 32 bit Vista ke Windows 7 64 bit. Sedangkan untuk Snow Leopard dapat diaplikasikan di upgrade versi apa saja.
Monday, 31 August 2009
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Trend Micro Temukan Situs Download Snow Leopard Berbahaya
Trend Micro, perusahaan antivirus ternama telah mendeteksi beberapa situs yang menyediakan layanan download atau upgrade gratis system operasi terbaru Snow Leopard, yang dipaket bersama dengan malware system Mac. Situs tersebut ditemukan oleh peneliti dari Advanced Threat, Feike Hacquebord, yang sebelumnya telah meng-upgrade system operasi tersebut, namun file tersebut mengandung malware bernama Jahlav, yang sengaja didesain untuk menjebak pengguna Apple.
Sekali file berisi malware tersebut dieksekusi, maka akan membangkitkan kode dekripsi OSX_JAHLAV.K, yang juga berisi script untuk men-download script ‘jahat’ lainnya secara otomatis. Kode tersebut kemudian akan mengubah konfirgurasi DNS dan termasuk 2 alamat IP tambahan di server DNS.User yang mengeksekusi kode tersebut juga diarahkan ke situs phishing dan situs ‘jahat’ lainnya. Situs tersebut dilaporkan juga memiliki variant dan komponen FAKEAV atau antivirus palsu untuk menjebak user.
Sekali file berisi malware tersebut dieksekusi, maka akan membangkitkan kode dekripsi OSX_JAHLAV.K, yang juga berisi script untuk men-download script ‘jahat’ lainnya secara otomatis. Kode tersebut kemudian akan mengubah konfirgurasi DNS dan termasuk 2 alamat IP tambahan di server DNS.User yang mengeksekusi kode tersebut juga diarahkan ke situs phishing dan situs ‘jahat’ lainnya. Situs tersebut dilaporkan juga memiliki variant dan komponen FAKEAV atau antivirus palsu untuk menjebak user.
Trend Micro menambahkan, bahwa pihaknya telah memblokir situs yang mengandung malware tersebut dan menyarankan kepada pengguna Apple untuk hanya membeli upgrade Snow Leopard yang asli langsung dari Apple, ketika nanti resmi diluncurkan.
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Tips Mempercepat PC Anda
Ketika Anda menyadari bahwa Anda perlu untuk mempercepat kerja PC (Personal Computer) yang berjalan terlalu lambat. Dalam kebanyakan kasus, Anda dapat mempercepat PC Anda dengan mendownload software dan menjalankan beberapa program lain yang mungkin sudah ada di computer Anda.
Berikut enam langkah untuk mempercepat proses dan kinerja PC dan mendapatkan performance yang lebih baik :
Berikut enam langkah untuk mempercepat proses dan kinerja PC dan mendapatkan performance yang lebih baik :
- Hapus file dan program yang tidak dibutuhkan dan tidak pernah dipakai. Jika Anda sebelumnya tidak pernah melakukannya, maka hal tersebut akan menghapus file tambahan yang terkumpul setiap menggunakan Internet. Performance PC dapat lebih cepat dengan menghapus file yang ada di folder Temp Internet Files, di Recycle Bin dan di folder Temp. Selain itu, Anda dapat membatasi jumlah hari untuk menyimpan file dari Internet dengan angka 1 sampai 3 hari.
- Jalankan Software Registry Cleaner. Suatu saat file register akan berisi file dan data yang tidak berguna yang dapat membuat kinerja komputer Anda menjadi lambat. Software Registry Cleaner dapat mempercepat performance PC dengan membersihkan data yang tidak berguna dan membuat bebas error. Anda juga akan membutuhkan software ini untuk mengorganisasikan file dengan rapi.
- Bebaskan PC dari spyware dan malware yang dapat memperlambat performance PC Anda. Anda dapat menggunakan software Spyware Removal yang akan menuntaskan masalah spyware dan malware Anda. Sebuah Firewall juga akan membantu Anda untuk tetap aman dari serangan malware dan spyware
- Defrag Harddisk Anda. Semua program yang sudah Anda install tersebar ke seluruh harddisk Anda sehingga membuat waktu loading program lebih lama. Dengan defrag harddisk sebualn sekali dapat mempercepat kinerja PC Anda.
- Scan dan Hapus Virus. Virus komputer dapat bekerja di ‘belakang’ dan mungkin Anda tidak mengetahuinya. Hal ini akan memakan memori dan memperlambat proses kerja komputer Anda, atau bahkan lebih buruk. Anda dapat menggunakan program antivirus yang akan mendeteksi dan menghilangkan virus, dan menjaga agar komputer Anda tetap bersih dari virus.
- Program yang tidak dipakai dapat di-disable. Biasanya terdapat program tambahan dalam software Windows dan Anda mungkin tidak pernah memakainya. Anda bias melakukan disable tehadap program yang tidak dipakai untuk mempercepat kinerja PC Anda.
Ini Dia Kelemahan Pertama XP Mode di Windows 7
Sebuah pertentangan telah muncul antara vendor antivirus Sophos dan Microsoft berkaitan dengan patch dan sulitnya manajemen dari XP Mode di Windows 7. Teknologi Windows 7 XP mode tersebut digunakan untuk mempermudah jalannya aplikasi yang biasa ada di XP untuk dijalankan secara virtual di Windows 7. Namun, pertentangan muncul dari Richard Jacobs , CTO dari Sophos, yang mengungkapkan bahwa penawaran dari Microsoft tersebut nantinya memang akan kompatibel dengan banyak aplikasi, namun tidak sarat dengan keamanan.
Dengan memberikan kemudahan path migrasi dari XP ke Windows 7, dan melewati Vista, Microsoft telah membuat bencana keamanan yang besar, tambah Jacobs. XP Mode merupakan tool independent dari Windows, yang dapat digunakan untuk share folder lama dan device di komputer dengan instalasi Windows 7. Salah satu hal yang tidak di-share adalah processor dan memory, jadi sekaligus juga tidak men-share setting security, keamanan software, patch dan sebagainya, bahkan tidak ada ‘warisan’ setting keamanan dari system baru yang ditumpanginya.
Ketika user menggunakan XP Mode tersebut, user perlu untuk melakukan patch copy XP ke Windows 7. User perlu mengatur setting secara terpisah, termasuk konfigurasi dua firewall personal dan menginstal dua copy software anti malware. Jacobs menambahkan, masalahnya akan semakin buruk ketika user tidak tahu bagaimana mengatur XP Mode virtual tersebut di desktop dan karena tidak adanya tool yang mengatur proses tersebut dari Microsoft.
Sementara respon berbeda diluncurkan oleh penasehat keamanan Microsoft, Roger Halbheer, yang membeberkan bahwa XP Mode berlaku sebagai mesin temporer yang memperbolehkan konsumen untuk menikmati keuntungan keamanan yang lebih baik dari Windows 7, dan seklaigus menikmati kompatibilitas aplikasi yang ada di XP.
Dengan memberikan kemudahan path migrasi dari XP ke Windows 7, dan melewati Vista, Microsoft telah membuat bencana keamanan yang besar, tambah Jacobs. XP Mode merupakan tool independent dari Windows, yang dapat digunakan untuk share folder lama dan device di komputer dengan instalasi Windows 7. Salah satu hal yang tidak di-share adalah processor dan memory, jadi sekaligus juga tidak men-share setting security, keamanan software, patch dan sebagainya, bahkan tidak ada ‘warisan’ setting keamanan dari system baru yang ditumpanginya.
Ketika user menggunakan XP Mode tersebut, user perlu untuk melakukan patch copy XP ke Windows 7. User perlu mengatur setting secara terpisah, termasuk konfigurasi dua firewall personal dan menginstal dua copy software anti malware. Jacobs menambahkan, masalahnya akan semakin buruk ketika user tidak tahu bagaimana mengatur XP Mode virtual tersebut di desktop dan karena tidak adanya tool yang mengatur proses tersebut dari Microsoft.
Sementara respon berbeda diluncurkan oleh penasehat keamanan Microsoft, Roger Halbheer, yang membeberkan bahwa XP Mode berlaku sebagai mesin temporer yang memperbolehkan konsumen untuk menikmati keuntungan keamanan yang lebih baik dari Windows 7, dan seklaigus menikmati kompatibilitas aplikasi yang ada di XP.
Mozilla Akui Kekalahan Firefox3.5 dari Microsoft Internet Exploler8?
Benarkah laporan Microsoft yang menyatakan bahwa Internet Explorer 8 telah mengalahkan keamanan, performance dan kemudahan penggunaan Mozilla Firefox?
Menurut ComputerWorld, Microsoft tampil lebih unggul dibandingkan Firefox, terutama berkaitan dengan modus porno IE8 yang bernama InPrivate Browsing. Mode tersebut bertujuan untuk menyembunyikan alamat situs ketika user online, dari keluarga dan teman. Sementara dari pihak Mozilla Foundation mengakui bahwa ekspansi location bar Firefox 3 untuk pencarian alamat URL, telah menyimpan semua history dan bookmark user, sehingga hal tersebut yang membuat user enggan upgrade dari Firefox 2 ke Firefox 3.
Mozilla menyebutkan bahwa alasan pertama kenapa user menolak update Firefox adalah karena kebingungan menggunakan location bar browser tersebut. “Ketika kami menambah kemampuan location bar untuk mencari semua history dan bookmark di Firefox 3, sebagian besar user kemudian mengkomplain bahwa mereka tidak ingin menampilkan bookmark mereka. Dalam beberapa kasus, user telah ‘menanam‘ bookmark dengan hierarki folder yang panjang. Untuk itu, mereka merasa malu jika apa yang mereka sembunyikan semua tertampil ke audience luas.“ ungkap Mozilla Foundation.
Mozilla memang menambahkan control user lebih banyak di Firefox 3.5, termasuk tipe informasi apa yang bisa ditampilkan di location bar atau mematikan fitur tersebut. Namun, Mozilla belakangan menyadari bahwa improvisasi tersebut tampaknya lebih terlambat dibandingkan IE, dan Mozilla tahu bahwa banyak user yang sudah mencoba Firefox 3 kemudian kembali ke Firefox 2.
Menurut ComputerWorld, Microsoft tampil lebih unggul dibandingkan Firefox, terutama berkaitan dengan modus porno IE8 yang bernama InPrivate Browsing. Mode tersebut bertujuan untuk menyembunyikan alamat situs ketika user online, dari keluarga dan teman. Sementara dari pihak Mozilla Foundation mengakui bahwa ekspansi location bar Firefox 3 untuk pencarian alamat URL, telah menyimpan semua history dan bookmark user, sehingga hal tersebut yang membuat user enggan upgrade dari Firefox 2 ke Firefox 3.
Mozilla menyebutkan bahwa alasan pertama kenapa user menolak update Firefox adalah karena kebingungan menggunakan location bar browser tersebut. “Ketika kami menambah kemampuan location bar untuk mencari semua history dan bookmark di Firefox 3, sebagian besar user kemudian mengkomplain bahwa mereka tidak ingin menampilkan bookmark mereka. Dalam beberapa kasus, user telah ‘menanam‘ bookmark dengan hierarki folder yang panjang. Untuk itu, mereka merasa malu jika apa yang mereka sembunyikan semua tertampil ke audience luas.“ ungkap Mozilla Foundation.
Mozilla memang menambahkan control user lebih banyak di Firefox 3.5, termasuk tipe informasi apa yang bisa ditampilkan di location bar atau mematikan fitur tersebut. Namun, Mozilla belakangan menyadari bahwa improvisasi tersebut tampaknya lebih terlambat dibandingkan IE, dan Mozilla tahu bahwa banyak user yang sudah mencoba Firefox 3 kemudian kembali ke Firefox 2.
Monday, 24 August 2009
Memantau pengunjung blog (trafik) menggunakan Indostats untuk optimasi SEO
Mungkin ada diantara teman-teman yang sudah menggunakan google analytics untuk menganalisa dan melihat report tentang perkembangan dari blog, selain menggunakan google analytic kita bisa juga memanfaatkan layanan gratisan SEO Report dari situs indostas. syaratnya anda harus benar-benar WNI, tidak tercantum sebagai teroris (bercanda).
Apa manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dengan mendaftar blog ke Indostats:
1. Bisa memantau pengunjung anda per hari, kemarin, atau per bulan
2. Bisa memantau pageview (jumlah halaman yang dibuka pengunjung)
3. Mesin Pencari yang digunakan pengunjung blog
4. Kata Kunci yang diketikkan pengunjung di search engine hingga menuju blog
5. Halaman Populer (halaman yang paling sering dibuka) pengunjung blog
6. Sistem operasi yang digunakan pengunjung blog
7. Kota asal pengunjung blog
8. Negara asal pengunjung blog
Beberapa screenshoot hasil monitoring indostats bisa dilihat di bawah ini :
1. Halaman link report
2. Contoh keyword

Apa manfaat yang dapat diperoleh dengan mendaftar blog ke Indostats:
1. Bisa memantau pengunjung anda per hari, kemarin, atau per bulan
2. Bisa memantau pageview (jumlah halaman yang dibuka pengunjung)
3. Mesin Pencari yang digunakan pengunjung blog
4. Kata Kunci yang diketikkan pengunjung di search engine hingga menuju blog
5. Halaman Populer (halaman yang paling sering dibuka) pengunjung blog
6. Sistem operasi yang digunakan pengunjung blog
7. Kota asal pengunjung blog
8. Negara asal pengunjung blog
Beberapa screenshoot hasil monitoring indostats bisa dilihat di bawah ini :
1. Halaman link report
2. Contoh keyword
Dengan mengetahui keyword anda bisa membuat banyak postingan yang berhubungan dengan keyword tersebut. Selain itu anda perlu menambah postingan dengan keyword-keyword baru agar semakin banyak keyword dari search engine atau anchor text yang menuju ke postingan blog sehingga semakin memudahkan dalam melakukan optimasi SEO.
3. Kota
Mungkin ini membantu untuk membuat postingan yang berhubungan dengan kota-kota asal pengunjung.
4. halaman popupler
Dengan mengetahui halaman populer blog, bisa menjadi arahan dalam membuat link dari postingan populer tersebut ke postingan lain yang relevan agar kepopuleran halaman lain bisa terangkat dan membantu link postingan tersebut bisa muncul di halaman depan SERP.
Untuk mendaftar blog ke Indostats bisa klik disini Indostats
Beberapa postingan lain yang membahas tentang tips optimasi blog bisa dilihat disini SEO Blog
3. Kota
Mungkin ini membantu untuk membuat postingan yang berhubungan dengan kota-kota asal pengunjung.
4. halaman popupler
Dengan mengetahui halaman populer blog, bisa menjadi arahan dalam membuat link dari postingan populer tersebut ke postingan lain yang relevan agar kepopuleran halaman lain bisa terangkat dan membantu link postingan tersebut bisa muncul di halaman depan SERP.
Untuk mendaftar blog ke Indostats bisa klik disini Indostats
Beberapa postingan lain yang membahas tentang tips optimasi blog bisa dilihat disini SEO Blog
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Cara dapat backlink gratis dari google profile
Mungkin ada diantara teman-teman yang masih pemula yang belum tahu bahwa sebenarnya google menyediakan layanan backlink gratis. Buat senior-senior saya yakin pasti semuanya sudah memanfaatkan backlink gratis dari google ini. Dengan adanya backlink dari google ini mudah2an bisa sedikit mendongkrak umlah backlink blog kita yang secara tidak langsung dapat mendukung optimasi blog saat menerapkan Teknik SEO.
Buat teman-teman yang berminat mendapatkan backlink dari google profile tersebut, bisa ikuti prosedur di bawah ini
1. Buka halaman Google Profile, klik disini Google Profile
2. Klik Create your own public profile
3. Klik create my profile
4. Login dengan account google anda

Buat teman-teman yang berminat mendapatkan backlink dari google profile tersebut, bisa ikuti prosedur di bawah ini
1. Buka halaman Google Profile, klik disini Google Profile
2. Klik Create your own public profile
3. Klik create my profile
4. Login dengan account google anda
6. Masukkan url dan nama link tersebut
Klik Add
anda bisa menambah lebih dari satu link blog
Contohnya dalam profile saya menggunakan beberapa link berikut:
Tutorial Komputer
Klik Add
anda bisa menambah lebih dari satu link blog
Contohnya dalam profile saya menggunakan beberapa link berikut:
Tutorial Komputer
Klik Save changes
Selain tips mendapatkan backlink dari google , beberapa tips mengoptimalkan blog bisa dilihat disini optimasi seo blog
Selain tips mendapatkan backlink dari google , beberapa tips mengoptimalkan blog bisa dilihat disini optimasi seo blog
Friday, 21 August 2009
Menambah/memasang meta tag (meta tags) keyword ke blogspot untuk optimalkan SEO
Buat teman-teman yang masih pemula, ada salah satu tips optimasi seo (on page) yang disarankan oleh Mr. Google. yaitu menambahkan meta tag keyword ke blogger (blogspot). Meta tag keyword (meta tags keyword) tersebut akan membantu robot google dalam menganalisa keyword yang terpasang di blog anda.
Sebenarnya saya sebagai pemula juga masih belum tahu apakah meta tag content tersebut berperan penting dalam optimasi blog, atau hanya sekedar pelengkap dari tips optimasi lainnya yang disarankan oleh google. saya juga belum melihat perubahan signifikan yang terjadi pada blog saya setelah saya memasang meta tag content tersebut
Buat teman-teman yang tertarik memasang meta tag content (meta tag keywords) ke blog silahkan ikuti prosedur berikut:
1. Login ke account blogger
2. Pilih dasboard -> Rancangan -> Edit Html
3. Di bagian atas template cari kode
Kemudian masukkan kode meta tag keywords berikut di bawahnya
<meta content='keyword1, keyword2, dst' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='Deskripsi blog anda' name='description'/>
kata keyword ganti dengan keyword blog anda yang akan dioptimasi.
jika saat menyimpan muncul pesan xml format error, maka perhatikan penulisan scriptnya harus ada spasi antara keyword dan name
<meta content='computer, windows, yahoo messenger, blog' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='Artikel tentang komputer' name='description'/>
4. Setelah selesai, Simpan Template
jika saat menyimpan muncul pesan xml format error, maka perhatikan penulisan scriptnya harus ada spasi antara keyword dan name
contoh yang salah: yahoo messenger, blog'name='keywords'/>
contoh yang benar: yahoo messenger, blog' name='keywords'/>
Semoga dengan terupdatenya meta tag keyword blog anda bisa bersaing dengan blog lain dalam memperebutkan posisi teratas SERP.
Sebenarnya saya sebagai pemula juga masih belum tahu apakah meta tag content tersebut berperan penting dalam optimasi blog, atau hanya sekedar pelengkap dari tips optimasi lainnya yang disarankan oleh google. saya juga belum melihat perubahan signifikan yang terjadi pada blog saya setelah saya memasang meta tag content tersebut
Buat teman-teman yang tertarik memasang meta tag content (meta tag keywords) ke blog silahkan ikuti prosedur berikut:
1. Login ke account blogger
2. Pilih dasboard -> Rancangan -> Edit Html
3. Di bagian atas template cari kode
Kemudian masukkan kode meta tag keywords berikut di bawahnya
<meta content='keyword1, keyword2, dst' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='Deskripsi blog anda' name='description'/>
kata keyword ganti dengan keyword blog anda yang akan dioptimasi.
jika saat menyimpan muncul pesan xml format error, maka perhatikan penulisan scriptnya harus ada spasi antara keyword dan name
<meta content='computer, windows, yahoo messenger, blog' name='keywords'/>
<meta content='Artikel tentang komputer' name='description'/>
4. Setelah selesai, Simpan Template
jika saat menyimpan muncul pesan xml format error, maka perhatikan penulisan scriptnya harus ada spasi antara keyword dan name
contoh yang salah: yahoo messenger, blog'name='keywords'/>
contoh yang benar: yahoo messenger, blog' name='keywords'/>
Semoga dengan terupdatenya meta tag keyword blog anda bisa bersaing dengan blog lain dalam memperebutkan posisi teratas SERP.
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Social Bookmark, Page Rank (pagerank), Trafik dan SERP
Sebagai seorang blogger pemula saya selalu bertanya, kira-kira apa hubungan antara social bookmark, page rank (google pagerank), trafik dan SERP (Search engine result pages) atau hasil penelusuran search engine seperti yahoo, google , bing, dll.
Ada beberapa pertanyaan yang mengganjal di fikiran:
1. Apakah situs social bookmark berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pagerank sedangkan link artikel yang anda buat di situs tersebut di setting sebagai link no follow (link jenis ini tidak dinilai oleh robot google)
2. Apakah trafik berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan google pagerank
3. Apakah SERP berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pagerank
4. Apakah pagerank berpengaruh terhadap SERP
5. Apakah trafik berpengaruh terhadap SERP
jadi saya coba menjawab pertayaan diatas, jawaban saya hanyalah jawaban dari seorang yang awam tentang teknik SEO. bisa benar dan bisa juga salah. jawaban ini hanyalah berdasarkan pengalaman dan dari hasil googling (Mr. Google). berdasarkan formula dasar tentang pagerank, bisa saja google merubah formulanya.
Postingan ini saya buat sebagai respon untuk melangkapi jawaban atas pertanyaan beberapa teman-teman yang menanyakan lewat email tentang bagaimana cara meningkatkan page rank. (terus terang saya bingung menjawabnya, tetapi saya coba menjawab sesuai kemampuan saya)
Pertama sebelum membahas kelima pertanyaan di atas kita review dulu tentang Google Pagerank:
Ada beberapa variable yang digunakan oleh google dalam menilai pagerank
a. BackLink (link yang menuju ke blog anda, link satu arah dari blog lain ke blog anda lebih baik dari pada link dua arah).
Google menilai backlink dari aspek kualitas (relevansi dan besaran pagerank), yaitu link dari blog yang mempunyai relevansi dengan blog anda, misalkan blog anda topiknya komputer usahakan cari backlink atau tukaran link dengan blog yang bertema komputer) dan usahakan pageranknya lebih tinggi. karena goggle memberi bobot 1 bakclink dari blog dengan PR4 sebanding dengan 10 backlink dari PR3 (asumsi PR blog anda 3), ini hanya dugaan (bobotnya adalah rahasia google). demikian juga bobot 1 bakclink dari blog dengan PR3 sebanding dengan 10 backlink dari PR2 (asumsi PR blog anda 2), dan seterusnya. Ini hanya gambaran pentingnya anda mencari backlink dari blog dengan PR tinggi.
Google menilai backlink dari aspek kuantitas (banyaknya) backlink, semakin banyak akan semakin bagus.
Semakin tinggi kualitas backlink dan semakin banyak jumlahnya maka besar peluang meningkatkan pagerank. Google menganggap blog yang mempunyai banyak link atau tautan dianggap lebih penting daripada yang kurang tautannya.
Tetapi anda harus berhati-hati agar anda tidak mmendapat link dari blog yang tidak diurus. Semakin banyak link menuju kesana daripada link dari blog yang bagus maka berpeluang menurunkan pagerank blog anda. Google idak senang denga blog yang tidak diurus (diupdate).
2. Banyaknya link yang terdapat dalam blog anda, frekuensi klik link dan sebaran link di dalam blog. Anda bisa memasang banyak anchor text (link) di dalam postingan yang saling melink dengan postingan lain, agar secara alami terbangun link antar halaman dan memungkinkan terjadi banyak klik pada anchor teks dalam blog anda
Semakin banyak jumlah klik di dalam blog anda maka akan semakin besar peluang meningkatkan pagerank.
Sekarng kita kembali pada kelima pertanyaan di atas:
1. Apakah situs social bookmark berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pagerank sedangkan link artikel yang anda buat di situs tersebut di setting sebagai link no follow (link jenis ini tidak dinilai oleh robot google)
Secara langsung tidak berpengaruh, tetapi berpeluang mendatangkan trafik ke blog anda, dan klik yang terjadi di blog anda yang bersumber dari situs social bookmark akan dinilai oleh google
2. Apakah trafik berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan google pagerank
trafik secara tidak langsung meningkatkan jumlah dan frekuensi klik di dalam blog anda semakin banyak klik yang terjadi akan semakin baik, tetapi klik saja tidak cukup harus diimbangi dengan backlink (perhatikan aspek kualitas dan kuantitas).
3. Apakah SERP berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pagerank
Semakin banyak link blog anda yang muncul di halaman pertama penelusuran search engine (google) maka semakin besar beluang mendatangkan trafik ke blog anda, berarti semakin besar peluang meningkatkan klik di blog anda. SERP secara tidak langsung membantu meningkatkan pagerank.
4. Apakah pagerank berpengaruh terhadap SERP
5. Apakah trafik berpengaruh terhadap SERP
Keduanya berpengaruh tetapi secara pastinya adalah rahasia google.
dari pengalaman, ada blog yang PR rendah tetapi SERP lebih baik dari blog yang PR-nya lebih tinggi. Mungkin SERP tergantung dari teknik SEO yang diterapkan pada masing-masing blog, apakah teknik SEO melanggar aturan google atau sesuai dengan aturan google.
Tentang kesimpulan dari kelima pertannyaan di atas:
Social bookmark, pagerank, trafik dan SERP mempunyai kaitan yang erat. Social bookmark secara tidak langsung merupakan salah satu cara utuk meningkatkan trafik, pagerank dan SERP.
Selain social bookmark anda bisa juga memanfaatkan social networking (yuwie,friendster, facebook) dan web direktori untuk meningkatkan trafik.
Beberapa situs social bookmark yang bisa anda gunakan untuk promosi blog dan submit artikel adalah:
1. social bookmark lokal (infogue,lintas berita, dll)
2. social bookmark mancanegara
Untuk anda yang senang mempelajari teknik seo lainya bisa gunakan link berikut teknik seo blogspot
Ada beberapa pertanyaan yang mengganjal di fikiran:
1. Apakah situs social bookmark berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pagerank sedangkan link artikel yang anda buat di situs tersebut di setting sebagai link no follow (link jenis ini tidak dinilai oleh robot google)
2. Apakah trafik berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan google pagerank
3. Apakah SERP berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pagerank
4. Apakah pagerank berpengaruh terhadap SERP
5. Apakah trafik berpengaruh terhadap SERP
jadi saya coba menjawab pertayaan diatas, jawaban saya hanyalah jawaban dari seorang yang awam tentang teknik SEO. bisa benar dan bisa juga salah. jawaban ini hanyalah berdasarkan pengalaman dan dari hasil googling (Mr. Google). berdasarkan formula dasar tentang pagerank, bisa saja google merubah formulanya.
Postingan ini saya buat sebagai respon untuk melangkapi jawaban atas pertanyaan beberapa teman-teman yang menanyakan lewat email tentang bagaimana cara meningkatkan page rank. (terus terang saya bingung menjawabnya, tetapi saya coba menjawab sesuai kemampuan saya)
Pertama sebelum membahas kelima pertanyaan di atas kita review dulu tentang Google Pagerank:
Ada beberapa variable yang digunakan oleh google dalam menilai pagerank
a. BackLink (link yang menuju ke blog anda, link satu arah dari blog lain ke blog anda lebih baik dari pada link dua arah).
Google menilai backlink dari aspek kualitas (relevansi dan besaran pagerank), yaitu link dari blog yang mempunyai relevansi dengan blog anda, misalkan blog anda topiknya komputer usahakan cari backlink atau tukaran link dengan blog yang bertema komputer) dan usahakan pageranknya lebih tinggi. karena goggle memberi bobot 1 bakclink dari blog dengan PR4 sebanding dengan 10 backlink dari PR3 (asumsi PR blog anda 3), ini hanya dugaan (bobotnya adalah rahasia google). demikian juga bobot 1 bakclink dari blog dengan PR3 sebanding dengan 10 backlink dari PR2 (asumsi PR blog anda 2), dan seterusnya. Ini hanya gambaran pentingnya anda mencari backlink dari blog dengan PR tinggi.
Google menilai backlink dari aspek kuantitas (banyaknya) backlink, semakin banyak akan semakin bagus.
Semakin tinggi kualitas backlink dan semakin banyak jumlahnya maka besar peluang meningkatkan pagerank. Google menganggap blog yang mempunyai banyak link atau tautan dianggap lebih penting daripada yang kurang tautannya.
Tetapi anda harus berhati-hati agar anda tidak mmendapat link dari blog yang tidak diurus. Semakin banyak link menuju kesana daripada link dari blog yang bagus maka berpeluang menurunkan pagerank blog anda. Google idak senang denga blog yang tidak diurus (diupdate).
2. Banyaknya link yang terdapat dalam blog anda, frekuensi klik link dan sebaran link di dalam blog. Anda bisa memasang banyak anchor text (link) di dalam postingan yang saling melink dengan postingan lain, agar secara alami terbangun link antar halaman dan memungkinkan terjadi banyak klik pada anchor teks dalam blog anda
Semakin banyak jumlah klik di dalam blog anda maka akan semakin besar peluang meningkatkan pagerank.
Sekarng kita kembali pada kelima pertanyaan di atas:
1. Apakah situs social bookmark berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pagerank sedangkan link artikel yang anda buat di situs tersebut di setting sebagai link no follow (link jenis ini tidak dinilai oleh robot google)
Secara langsung tidak berpengaruh, tetapi berpeluang mendatangkan trafik ke blog anda, dan klik yang terjadi di blog anda yang bersumber dari situs social bookmark akan dinilai oleh google
2. Apakah trafik berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan google pagerank
trafik secara tidak langsung meningkatkan jumlah dan frekuensi klik di dalam blog anda semakin banyak klik yang terjadi akan semakin baik, tetapi klik saja tidak cukup harus diimbangi dengan backlink (perhatikan aspek kualitas dan kuantitas).
3. Apakah SERP berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pagerank
Semakin banyak link blog anda yang muncul di halaman pertama penelusuran search engine (google) maka semakin besar beluang mendatangkan trafik ke blog anda, berarti semakin besar peluang meningkatkan klik di blog anda. SERP secara tidak langsung membantu meningkatkan pagerank.
4. Apakah pagerank berpengaruh terhadap SERP
5. Apakah trafik berpengaruh terhadap SERP
Keduanya berpengaruh tetapi secara pastinya adalah rahasia google.
dari pengalaman, ada blog yang PR rendah tetapi SERP lebih baik dari blog yang PR-nya lebih tinggi. Mungkin SERP tergantung dari teknik SEO yang diterapkan pada masing-masing blog, apakah teknik SEO melanggar aturan google atau sesuai dengan aturan google.
Tentang kesimpulan dari kelima pertannyaan di atas:
Social bookmark, pagerank, trafik dan SERP mempunyai kaitan yang erat. Social bookmark secara tidak langsung merupakan salah satu cara utuk meningkatkan trafik, pagerank dan SERP.
Selain social bookmark anda bisa juga memanfaatkan social networking (yuwie,friendster, facebook) dan web direktori untuk meningkatkan trafik.
Beberapa situs social bookmark yang bisa anda gunakan untuk promosi blog dan submit artikel adalah:
1. social bookmark lokal (infogue,lintas berita, dll)
2. social bookmark mancanegara
Untuk anda yang senang mempelajari teknik seo lainya bisa gunakan link berikut teknik seo blogspot
Publish postingan terjadwal agar blog lebih seo friendly
Mungkin ada diantara teman-teman yang jarang memanfaatkan fitur publish blogger (terbitkan entri) untuk menerbitkan postingan secara terjadwal. Memanfaatkan postingan terjadwal tidaklah melanggar TOS dari google, karena google (blogger) telah menyediakan fasilitas tersebut secara gratis, jadi tidak ada salahnya jika digunakan sekali atau dua kali.
Keuntungan yang akan anda peroleh jika memanfaatkan publish postingan secara terjadwal, adalah:
1. Anda bisa mengatur tanggal postingan yang dibuat sehingga blogger akan mempublish posting dengan selisih waktu tunda kemudian akan terpublish secara otomatis sesuai tanggal dan jam yang tercantum pada setting editor blogger.
2. Membuat blog anda seakan-akan selalu terupdate, padahal hanya melakukan postingan sekali.
3. Search engine google semakin bersahabat dengan blog anda karena menganggap blog anda sering terupdate. Anda perlu ingat bahwa google senang dengan blog yang sering di update.
Tips di atas bisa benar dan bisa juga tidak, saya belum yakin berapa nilai prosentasenya dalam optimasi SEO, saya memposting saja mungkin ada teman-teman yang ingin mengikuti. Sebagai tambahan saya sudah berulang kali melakukan tips di atas dan google tidak mempermasalahkan.....
Caranya mirip dengan membuat postingan biasa, cukup mengatur pada bagian tanggal dan jam entri
Sebagai contoh:
postingan ini saya buat tanggal 7 agustus 2008 jam 1.00
Untuk mengatur jadwal postingan bisa diatur, pada gambar di atas klik " Opsi Entri"
Pada bagian tanggal dan jam entri masukkan tanggal dan jam yang diinginkan agar postingan dipublish secara otomatis oleh blogger pada tanggal tersebut.
Dalam contoh ini saya mengatur tanggal publish 8 Agustus 2009, anda bisa mengatur tanggal yang lain.
Selamat mencoba....
Selain melakukan publish posting secara terjadwal , berikut ini ada beberapa tips yang dapat lebih meningkatkan optimasi blog pada search engine bisa dilihat disini SEO Blogger
Keuntungan yang akan anda peroleh jika memanfaatkan publish postingan secara terjadwal, adalah:
1. Anda bisa mengatur tanggal postingan yang dibuat sehingga blogger akan mempublish posting dengan selisih waktu tunda kemudian akan terpublish secara otomatis sesuai tanggal dan jam yang tercantum pada setting editor blogger.
2. Membuat blog anda seakan-akan selalu terupdate, padahal hanya melakukan postingan sekali.
3. Search engine google semakin bersahabat dengan blog anda karena menganggap blog anda sering terupdate. Anda perlu ingat bahwa google senang dengan blog yang sering di update.
Tips di atas bisa benar dan bisa juga tidak, saya belum yakin berapa nilai prosentasenya dalam optimasi SEO, saya memposting saja mungkin ada teman-teman yang ingin mengikuti. Sebagai tambahan saya sudah berulang kali melakukan tips di atas dan google tidak mempermasalahkan.....
Caranya mirip dengan membuat postingan biasa, cukup mengatur pada bagian tanggal dan jam entri
Sebagai contoh:
postingan ini saya buat tanggal 7 agustus 2008 jam 1.00
Untuk mengatur jadwal postingan bisa diatur, pada gambar di atas klik " Opsi Entri"
Pada bagian tanggal dan jam entri masukkan tanggal dan jam yang diinginkan agar postingan dipublish secara otomatis oleh blogger pada tanggal tersebut.
Dalam contoh ini saya mengatur tanggal publish 8 Agustus 2009, anda bisa mengatur tanggal yang lain.
Selamat mencoba....
Selain melakukan publish posting secara terjadwal , berikut ini ada beberapa tips yang dapat lebih meningkatkan optimasi blog pada search engine bisa dilihat disini SEO Blogger
Monday, 17 August 2009
Cara daftar blog (website) ke Bing Webmaster Center
Pada postingan sebelumnya saya telah membahas tentang Google Sitemap dan Yahoo Site Explorer. Dalam postingan ini akan dibahas khusus untuk optimasi blog di search engine bing. Untuk memudahkan crawler bing mengindeks halaman blog maka salah satu cara yang bisa dilakukan adalah mendaftar blog ke bing webmaster center.
Salah satu teknik seo yang bisa anda terapkan pada blog anda adalah mendaftarkan blog ke bing webmaster center.
Berikut ini adalah cara mendaftar blog ke bing webmaster center
1. Klik link berikut untuk membuka web bing webmaster center
Klik Sign in to use tools

Salah satu teknik seo yang bisa anda terapkan pada blog anda adalah mendaftarkan blog ke bing webmaster center.
Berikut ini adalah cara mendaftar blog ke bing webmaster center
1. Klik link berikut untuk membuka web bing webmaster center
Klik Sign in to use tools
2. Masukkan Windows Live ID anda, jika belum punya maka harus membuatnya terlebih dahulu, lihat panduan membuat Windows Live ID
5. Masukk ke account blogger
Pilih Dashboard -> Rancangan -> Edit html
cari kode
< head>
Sisipkan script meta tag dari bing tepat di bawah < head>

Pilih Dashboard -> Rancangan -> Edit html
cari kode
< head>
Sisipkan script meta tag dari bing tepat di bawah < head>
8. Anda bisa melihat backlink, outlink dana beberapa data yang berkaitan dengan data statistik blog.
Silahkan daftar blog di bing webmaster center, mudah-mudahan bisa membantu dalam optimasi seo.
Mendaftar ke search engine hanyalah salah satu cara mengoptimasi blog agar mudah muncul pada halaman pertama SERP. Beberapa tips optimasi mesin pencari bisa dilihat disini panduan SEO Blog
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Dollar gratis dari text link ads /jualan link di ask2link
Program text link ads (jualan link). Cara ini lumayan mudah namun syaratnya blog publisher minimal mempunyai Pagerank (PR) 2. Cukup mendaftar blog ke website textlinkads kemudian setelah blog diterima, anda bisa mengkopi script dan memasangnya pada gadget feed di sidebar blog.Setelah link tersebut terpasang dan telah terjual maka anda sebagai pulisher bisa menerima komisi, biasanya setiap akhir bulan akan ada email konfirmasi dari paypal untuk mengklaim pembayaran dari ask2link.
Contohnya jika blog sudah terpasang script ask2link tersebut:
Jika blog belum terjual linknya akan tampak seperti di bawah ini

Contohnya jika blog sudah terpasang script ask2link tersebut:
Jika blog belum terjual linknya akan tampak seperti di bawah ini
Jika telah terjual slot linknya akan terlihat seperti di bawah :
Besarnya pendapatan tergantung pada nilai alexa rank dan google pagerank,link popularity, dan yahoo inbound link.
Secara umum nilai jual link blog per satu slot link (space link) adalah;
PR 7 = $80 /bulan
PR 6 = $30 /bulan
PR 5 = $15 /bulan
PR 4 = $10 /bulan
PR 3 = $5 /bulan
PR 2 = $4 /bulan
Nilai bersih yang bisa didapatkan adalah 50% dari total jual link blog anda. Misalkan contoh blog saya yang PR 4 nilai jualnya adalah $10 kebetulan saat ini ada 1 link yang telah terjual, maka hasil tersebut akan dibagi sebanyak $5 untuk pengelola text link ads (broker) dan $5 untuk pemilik blog. proses pembayarannya (claim payout) komisi bisa menggunakan paypal.
Panduan memasang script as2link di blog bisa dilihat disini cara memasang as2link di blog
Besarnya pendapatan tergantung pada nilai alexa rank dan google pagerank,link popularity, dan yahoo inbound link.
Secara umum nilai jual link blog per satu slot link (space link) adalah;
PR 7 = $80 /bulan
PR 6 = $30 /bulan
PR 5 = $15 /bulan
PR 4 = $10 /bulan
PR 3 = $5 /bulan
PR 2 = $4 /bulan
Nilai bersih yang bisa didapatkan adalah 50% dari total jual link blog anda. Misalkan contoh blog saya yang PR 4 nilai jualnya adalah $10 kebetulan saat ini ada 1 link yang telah terjual, maka hasil tersebut akan dibagi sebanyak $5 untuk pengelola text link ads (broker) dan $5 untuk pemilik blog. proses pembayarannya (claim payout) komisi bisa menggunakan paypal.
Panduan memasang script as2link di blog bisa dilihat disini cara memasang as2link di blog
Monday, 10 August 2009
Menghasilkan dollar dari blog dengan jualan link di LinkShowOff
LinkShowOff.com adalah merupakan situs program text link ads yang membantu publisher (pemilik blog) untuk menjual space text link di blognya . Jadi Anda akan dibayar untuk memajang iklan berupa teks link dari advertiser di blog dan membiarkannya terpajang selama masa kontrak iklannya selanjutnya anda akan menerima pembayaran setiap bulan. LinkShowOff sudah menyediakan widget khusus seperti yang bisa dilihat di bawah ini. Di widget itulah link-link iklan advertiser akan dipajang.

Bagaimana dengan bayarannya? di Link Show Off Anda dapat menentukan sendiri berapa harga link-nya. LinkShowOff hanya menentukan harga paling rendah yakni sebesar $1/bulan.
Pembayaran dilakukan melalui PayPal dengan minimum payout $10. Yang membuat lebih menarik lagi, pengelola LinkShowOff hanya meminta biaya sebesar $3/payout. Jadi, setiap kali menerima pembayaran Anda akan dikenai potongan sebesar $3. Misalnya Anda memperoleh $20, maka jika anda mengajukan payout saat itu jumlah bersih yang diterima adalah $17. Kalaupun menghasilkan $100, potongannya tetap $3 juga.
Anda bebas menentukan banyaknya link dalam satu widget. Paling sedikit 5 link, dan paling banyak 20 link. Link advertiser akan terpasang selamanya di widget tersebut sampai ada link baru lagi yang masuk. Jadi, link paling baru akan secara otomatis berada di urutan paling atas di widget. Tapi meskipun terpasang selamanya, kita tidak perlu khawatir akan kena penalti dari Google, karena semua iklan link di LinkShowOff ber-tag nofollow.
LinkShowOff juga menyediakan program referal.Bila Anda mempromosikan LinkShowOff pada member baru, maka Anda akan memperoleh bayaran sebesar $3 setiap referal Anda memperoleh $3 juga. Untuk bergabung di LinkShowOff anda bisa klik di sini
Mengenai LinkShowOff scam atau bukan, saya belum tahu pasti. Dari hasil pencarian di google sudah ada beberapa member yang dibayar. selain itu blog dengan domain blogspot (gratisan) bisa diterima, dengan biaya pendaftaran gratis, syarat Page rank mulai dari 0 hingga 10.
Bagi kawan-kawan yang ingin ikutan bisa daftar disini LinkShowOff (referal)
Friday, 7 August 2009
Mendaftar blog ke Yahoo Site Explorer
Jika di Google Webmaster Tools ada Google Sitemap, di Microsoft (bing) ada fasilitas Bing Webmaster Center maka di Yahoo ada fasilitas Yahoo Site Explorer. Sekalipun namanya berbeda namun fungsinya sama, yaitu tools tersebut berfungsi untuk melakukan pemetaan terhadap blog/website. Sehingga memudahkan robot search engine untuk menelusuri halaman-halaman blog. Buat teman-teman yang tertarik dalam melakukan optimasi SEO maka metode ini bisa diterapkan pada blog.
Cara mendaftar blog ke Yahoo Site Explorer, bisa lakukan prosedur berikut:
(Cara ini anda lakukan jika anda sudah daftar blog di yahoo dan blog sudah terindeks yahoo)
1. Klik link berikut untuk membuka situs Yahoo Site Explorer
Ketik url blog anda, klik tombol Add My Site
2. Jika anda belum login ke account google, maka akan muncul halaman login berikut:
Masukkan Yahoo ID dan password (sama dengan Yahoo ID saat akan login ke email anda)
Klik tombol Sign in
3. Setelah login akan muncul halaman Yahoo Site Explorer berikut:
Klik tombol Explore
4. Pada bagian berikut pilih Authentication
Copy script meta tag listed
Anda perlu perhatikan script tersebut di yahoo tertulis seperti berikut:
<meta name="y_key" content=" ff3098cbd8b92xxx">
agar kompatibel dengan blogger, ubah menjadi seperti di bawah ini
<meta content="'ff3098cbd8b92xxx'" name="'y_key'/>
5. Login ke blogger ->Dashboard -> tata letak -> edit html
cari kode
< head>
Di bagian bawahnya, masukkan kode berikut:
<meta content="'ff3098cbd8b92xxx'" name="'y_key'/>
Tampilannya akan seperti berikut:
< head>
<meta content="'ff3098cbd8b92xxx'" name="'y_key'/>
Simpan template
6. Kembali ke halaman Yahoo Site Explorer
Klik tombol Ready to Authenticate
7. Biasanya proses authenticate akan berlangsung atau tertunda beberapa saat (authentication status : pending)
8. Jika blog anda telah diverifikasi akan muncul halaman berikut:
9. Selain menambahkan blog ke yahoo site explorer, anda juga dapat menambahkan feed anda ke yahoo site explorer
Sampai saat ini blog yang di daftar di yahoo site explorer akan mempunyai daya saing lebih kuat dibanding blog yang tidak terdaftar. Agar optimasi blog pada seacrh engine lebih optimal maka sangat saya rekomendasikan untuk melakukan beberapa hal yang dapat menunjung optimasi blog bisa dilihat disini optimasi mesin pencari
Cara mendaftar blog ke Yahoo Site Explorer, bisa lakukan prosedur berikut:
(Cara ini anda lakukan jika anda sudah daftar blog di yahoo dan blog sudah terindeks yahoo)
1. Klik link berikut untuk membuka situs Yahoo Site Explorer
Ketik url blog anda, klik tombol Add My Site
2. Jika anda belum login ke account google, maka akan muncul halaman login berikut:
Masukkan Yahoo ID dan password (sama dengan Yahoo ID saat akan login ke email anda)
Klik tombol Sign in
3. Setelah login akan muncul halaman Yahoo Site Explorer berikut:
Klik tombol Explore
4. Pada bagian berikut pilih Authentication
Copy script meta tag listed
Anda perlu perhatikan script tersebut di yahoo tertulis seperti berikut:
<meta name="y_key" content=" ff3098cbd8b92xxx">
agar kompatibel dengan blogger, ubah menjadi seperti di bawah ini
<meta content="'ff3098cbd8b92xxx'" name="'y_key'/>
5. Login ke blogger ->Dashboard -> tata letak -> edit html
cari kode
< head>
Di bagian bawahnya, masukkan kode berikut:
<meta content="'ff3098cbd8b92xxx'" name="'y_key'/>
Tampilannya akan seperti berikut:
< head>
<meta content="'ff3098cbd8b92xxx'" name="'y_key'/>
6. Kembali ke halaman Yahoo Site Explorer
Klik tombol Ready to Authenticate
7. Biasanya proses authenticate akan berlangsung atau tertunda beberapa saat (authentication status : pending)
8. Jika blog anda telah diverifikasi akan muncul halaman berikut:
9. Selain menambahkan blog ke yahoo site explorer, anda juga dapat menambahkan feed anda ke yahoo site explorer
Sampai saat ini blog yang di daftar di yahoo site explorer akan mempunyai daya saing lebih kuat dibanding blog yang tidak terdaftar. Agar optimasi blog pada seacrh engine lebih optimal maka sangat saya rekomendasikan untuk melakukan beberapa hal yang dapat menunjung optimasi blog bisa dilihat disini optimasi mesin pencari
Quintessence of communication skill
No matter how excellent and valuable your suggestion, it is of no value if you can not share it with other people. Therefore, successful communication is very much required. Nevertheless, the skill to communicate successfully will not come easily to all people, and it needs lots of skills that require more practice.
Whenever we speak about communication skills, the most important thing that arises in our mind is fluency. ‘Fluency’ is major basic of good communication. If fluency is major factor in oral communication, good hand-writing is very much essential in written communication.
Whenever we speak about communication skills, the most important thing that arises in our mind is fluency. ‘Fluency’ is major basic of good communication. If fluency is major factor in oral communication, good hand-writing is very much essential in written communication.
Whether we communicate orally or in words, our main intention is to express our ideas to other people. Therefore, an excellent communication skill will, certainly, imply how effortlessly we can express the ideas. This, in turn, implies that message must be explicit, comprehensible and accurate.
In order to affix impact to your oral communication, evade flat pitch. You can modulate your voice to match up with your sentences. Your oral communication must comprise low and high pitch with suitable delays among words. You must neither shout nor murmur. Other than, you must be capable of being heard. Also, your expressions and body movements must be according to your words.
If you wish to develop your communication skills then you must have deep knowledge of the language you select for communication. Moreover good grammatical knowledge is required for both verbal and written communication skill. Grammatical mistakes may sometimes be allowed in vocal communication but not all the time.
If you have the good grammatical knowledge then fluency will automatically come. At first, you will not be fluent but slowly you may obtain it. Uncertainty may be one of the reasons that block fluency. Keep on communicate with others without any doubt. Evaluate your earlier conversation for the errors you did. You can record your talk for this reason or can ask a companion to help you in this issue. Eliminate these errors and very soon you will become fluent. Pay attention to audio-video programs and converse with others in the same language.
An excellent communication skill implies an accurate and unmistakable communication that is grammatically correct and conveyed through modulated accent or in precise and readable hand-writing with your expression related your conversation. What if written communication is not hand-written? So, if written communication is typed one or by electronic means conveyed afterward also you must be careful of proper font size and font style which is legible.
Whenever we speak about communication skills, the most important thing that arises in our mind is fluency. ‘Fluency’ is major basic of good communication. If fluency is major factor in oral communication, good hand-writing is very much essential in written communication.
Whenever we speak about communication skills, the most important thing that arises in our mind is fluency. ‘Fluency’ is major basic of good communication. If fluency is major factor in oral communication, good hand-writing is very much essential in written communication.
Whether we communicate orally or in words, our main intention is to express our ideas to other people. Therefore, an excellent communication skill will, certainly, imply how effortlessly we can express the ideas. This, in turn, implies that message must be explicit, comprehensible and accurate.
In order to affix impact to your oral communication, evade flat pitch. You can modulate your voice to match up with your sentences. Your oral communication must comprise low and high pitch with suitable delays among words. You must neither shout nor murmur. Other than, you must be capable of being heard. Also, your expressions and body movements must be according to your words.
If you wish to develop your communication skills then you must have deep knowledge of the language you select for communication. Moreover good grammatical knowledge is required for both verbal and written communication skill. Grammatical mistakes may sometimes be allowed in vocal communication but not all the time.
If you have the good grammatical knowledge then fluency will automatically come. At first, you will not be fluent but slowly you may obtain it. Uncertainty may be one of the reasons that block fluency. Keep on communicate with others without any doubt. Evaluate your earlier conversation for the errors you did. You can record your talk for this reason or can ask a companion to help you in this issue. Eliminate these errors and very soon you will become fluent. Pay attention to audio-video programs and converse with others in the same language.
An excellent communication skill implies an accurate and unmistakable communication that is grammatically correct and conveyed through modulated accent or in precise and readable hand-writing with your expression related your conversation. What if written communication is not hand-written? So, if written communication is typed one or by electronic means conveyed afterward also you must be careful of proper font size and font style which is legible.
Common Answers to Interview Questions
For job seekers Interviews will be the toughest part in the job hunting process. For those job seekers who have attended lots of tough interviews, the easy method to lessen their stress is to be well prepared and certain of your talents and skills.
How to train yourself for an Interview
Better way to train yourself for attending an interview is to expand knowledge through studies and to imagine possible questions that can be asked. It is worthwhile to read out the most commonly asked interview questions, because the possibility of these questions springing up at the time of interview is very sturdy. It is also reasonable for you to investigate and gather any details you can about the past of the organization. By doing so, you are training yourself to arise with logical and smart answers for any kind of question that might be asked.
Frequently asked Interview questions:
In order to give you some idea about frequently asked interview questions, here are some regular questions with some possible answers.
# The first question always will be “Tell me about yourself”. Here the recruiter will ask you to give some information about yourself. This comprises your name, address, qualification, work experience, designation in previous organization and job profile. You must provide the accurate information about your previous designation and organization.
# Then, the recruiter will commonly ask you regarding your job prospect and what you wish to contribute to the organization. So you must be well equipped with an answer regarding your expectations for the career and what you will contribute for the organization if you are appointed. Always you must be confident while answering the question and never give the impression you have mug up the answer.
# The interviewer will ask you about your salary expectation, how much salary you expect then you must not be the first one to talk about numbers. If they need a choice, just say that you are open to negotiate and await them to mention a number first.
# You may be asked regarding your tasks and liabilities with your current or past organization. You must always be optimistic and specific while it comes to telling your previous employer and work responsibilities. You may also need to explain your past work experience and make clear how it links to the post that you are trying for.
# Many organizations are very meticulous while it comes to your skills and how well you face confronts and troubles. Sometimes you will be required to answer certain situational issues simply to check how you solve problems and how efficient you are at finding solutions to issues.
The interviewer will ask lots of questions regarding yourself and your expectations. All the time ensure that you are prepared well. More prominently, prove that you are knowledgeable and confident. Try to speak positive things and exhibit positive outlooks. A positive outlook will surely help you get the job.
How to train yourself for an Interview
Better way to train yourself for attending an interview is to expand knowledge through studies and to imagine possible questions that can be asked. It is worthwhile to read out the most commonly asked interview questions, because the possibility of these questions springing up at the time of interview is very sturdy. It is also reasonable for you to investigate and gather any details you can about the past of the organization. By doing so, you are training yourself to arise with logical and smart answers for any kind of question that might be asked.
Frequently asked Interview questions:
In order to give you some idea about frequently asked interview questions, here are some regular questions with some possible answers.
# The first question always will be “Tell me about yourself”. Here the recruiter will ask you to give some information about yourself. This comprises your name, address, qualification, work experience, designation in previous organization and job profile. You must provide the accurate information about your previous designation and organization.
# Then, the recruiter will commonly ask you regarding your job prospect and what you wish to contribute to the organization. So you must be well equipped with an answer regarding your expectations for the career and what you will contribute for the organization if you are appointed. Always you must be confident while answering the question and never give the impression you have mug up the answer.
# The interviewer will ask you about your salary expectation, how much salary you expect then you must not be the first one to talk about numbers. If they need a choice, just say that you are open to negotiate and await them to mention a number first.
# You may be asked regarding your tasks and liabilities with your current or past organization. You must always be optimistic and specific while it comes to telling your previous employer and work responsibilities. You may also need to explain your past work experience and make clear how it links to the post that you are trying for.
# Many organizations are very meticulous while it comes to your skills and how well you face confronts and troubles. Sometimes you will be required to answer certain situational issues simply to check how you solve problems and how efficient you are at finding solutions to issues.
The interviewer will ask lots of questions regarding yourself and your expectations. All the time ensure that you are prepared well. More prominently, prove that you are knowledgeable and confident. Try to speak positive things and exhibit positive outlooks. A positive outlook will surely help you get the job.
How to sell yourself in a job interview
How can you make somebody want to appoint you? It is very simple put yourself in the shoes of the recruiter and concentrate on his or her requirements and you will become an appealing candidate.
Collect information regarding the company, how is it working? What is its objectives and mission and who are its clients? What are the recruiter’s main concerns and liability? The more you collect information, the more you become well aware of the company. So you can prepare relevant question to ask at the time of the interview.
Learn the depiction of the post for which you have applied. Be obvious on what is anticipated and if you have the backdrop and abilities to perform it.
Prepare a list of your potency and do discussing how they harmonize the necessities of the work. Note down exact instances that reveal these strengths and be able to talk sinuously and wisely about them.
Create an appealing impression at the interview. Be punctual, keep eye contact and offer a firm handshake. Dress one notch above what is anticipated for the job you are interviewing for.
Seek familiar ground linking you and the recruiter to establish a good relationship and to stand out from the mob. Be cautious not to exaggerate this and look distressed.
Develop what can be seen as possible drawbacks into potency. Be quiet and positive.
Make use of exact examples to explain why you are an ideal match for the post. Ask curious queries to reveal a real interest in the job. Try to know what the revenue rate is at the organization, what kind of work culture is, and how they keep their workers content and cheerful. You are making an attempt to realize if you need to work for that organization as much as they are trying to realize if they need you.
Reveal that you are skilled at solving problems. Recognize a problem the organization is facing or a problem you may potentially come across in that work and talk how you'd resolve it.
Make the recruiter feel good about appointing you. Be fervent, receptive, honest and sociable .
Follow up with a thank you message that restates your experience and points out specific subject covered in the interview to activate the people’s memory about your winning interview.
Collect information regarding the company, how is it working? What is its objectives and mission and who are its clients? What are the recruiter’s main concerns and liability? The more you collect information, the more you become well aware of the company. So you can prepare relevant question to ask at the time of the interview.
Learn the depiction of the post for which you have applied. Be obvious on what is anticipated and if you have the backdrop and abilities to perform it.
Prepare a list of your potency and do discussing how they harmonize the necessities of the work. Note down exact instances that reveal these strengths and be able to talk sinuously and wisely about them.
Create an appealing impression at the interview. Be punctual, keep eye contact and offer a firm handshake. Dress one notch above what is anticipated for the job you are interviewing for.
Seek familiar ground linking you and the recruiter to establish a good relationship and to stand out from the mob. Be cautious not to exaggerate this and look distressed.
Develop what can be seen as possible drawbacks into potency. Be quiet and positive.
Make use of exact examples to explain why you are an ideal match for the post. Ask curious queries to reveal a real interest in the job. Try to know what the revenue rate is at the organization, what kind of work culture is, and how they keep their workers content and cheerful. You are making an attempt to realize if you need to work for that organization as much as they are trying to realize if they need you.
Reveal that you are skilled at solving problems. Recognize a problem the organization is facing or a problem you may potentially come across in that work and talk how you'd resolve it.
Make the recruiter feel good about appointing you. Be fervent, receptive, honest and sociable .
Follow up with a thank you message that restates your experience and points out specific subject covered in the interview to activate the people’s memory about your winning interview.
How to nail a job interview
Most of the recruiters make some estimation about you in the first few minutes of the interview. Here are some tips to make a good impression about you.
· Prior to your interview, meet some people who are already working there. If possible, notice how employees are coming to office and how they behave and dress.
· Reach your destination before ten minutes and collect some information regarding the company.
· Find out time to wish and acknowledge the executives or secretarial assistant; it is conservative manners, and moreover, this person will have lots of influence .
· Take an extra copy of resume and reference letter in case the recruiter does not possess it.
· Be positive and cheerful. While you face interview sit straightly with your arms and leg uncrossed and feel more relaxed. Smile and keep a good eye contact with them.
· Be aware of company’s production, dealings, objectives, and clients.
· Answer the questions properly and prepare yourself some relevant question to ask.
· While you answer try to give the positive answer in order to create a good impression about you.
· Wind up with a positive declaration and a firm handshake. Inquire when you may follow up, and receive a business card from the recruiter.
· At the end send them a thank you letter.
· Prior to your interview, meet some people who are already working there. If possible, notice how employees are coming to office and how they behave and dress.
· Reach your destination before ten minutes and collect some information regarding the company.
· Find out time to wish and acknowledge the executives or secretarial assistant; it is conservative manners, and moreover, this person will have lots of influence .
· Take an extra copy of resume and reference letter in case the recruiter does not possess it.
· Be positive and cheerful. While you face interview sit straightly with your arms and leg uncrossed and feel more relaxed. Smile and keep a good eye contact with them.
· Be aware of company’s production, dealings, objectives, and clients.
· Answer the questions properly and prepare yourself some relevant question to ask.
· While you answer try to give the positive answer in order to create a good impression about you.
· Wind up with a positive declaration and a firm handshake. Inquire when you may follow up, and receive a business card from the recruiter.
· At the end send them a thank you letter.
How to prepare for a phone interview
You have a book coming out and you are beginning your phone interviews to create exposure. Always the most excellent interview is the one where the candidate is equipped, succinct and comfortable. If you are a writer, you are most likely at your best alone in a room and your phone etiquette or social skills may not be the supreme. You may find it very difficulty to attend this interview without any fear and nervous. This is quite natural. The only way to keep tension away from you is to practice what you are going to speak in advance, get the wording down to succinct, motivating thoughts and maintain your remarks handy.
Accept or present a list of queries that you would like the interview to cover. Ensure you and the recruiters select the last list. At this moment you can sit down and copy out the answers to the questions. Noting down the answers will provide you an idea about what the interview will appear, and what guidelines it will head.
Evaluate your answers. Read those answers loudly to yourself, or to a companion. This will facilitate you observe if you naturally alter the words to sound more fervent while talking out loud as opposed to how the words sound on paper.
Redesign your answers to best encourage your book. You can observe spots that require to be filled in, or queries that can be left out fully. Try to read it loudly. Get your friend ask the queries and you reply them as you perform in the interview. Practicing like this helps you to improve your confidence and lessen the tension during the real interview.
At the time of interview, keep your notes in front of you to prompt you in case you feel nerves, or feel lost.
Before your interview begins, look at your note and talk about it like it is your best companion who has just saved you from dangers. The more positive you feel about your topic, the more people will be inquisitive to interpret your book and make out why you are so excited about it.
Accept or present a list of queries that you would like the interview to cover. Ensure you and the recruiters select the last list. At this moment you can sit down and copy out the answers to the questions. Noting down the answers will provide you an idea about what the interview will appear, and what guidelines it will head.
Evaluate your answers. Read those answers loudly to yourself, or to a companion. This will facilitate you observe if you naturally alter the words to sound more fervent while talking out loud as opposed to how the words sound on paper.
Redesign your answers to best encourage your book. You can observe spots that require to be filled in, or queries that can be left out fully. Try to read it loudly. Get your friend ask the queries and you reply them as you perform in the interview. Practicing like this helps you to improve your confidence and lessen the tension during the real interview.
At the time of interview, keep your notes in front of you to prompt you in case you feel nerves, or feel lost.
Before your interview begins, look at your note and talk about it like it is your best companion who has just saved you from dangers. The more positive you feel about your topic, the more people will be inquisitive to interpret your book and make out why you are so excited about it.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Cara promosi blog di twitter (microblogging)
Cara promosi blog di twitter (microblogging). Mungkin ada yang sering menggunakan twitter untuk membuat postingan atau mempromosikan tulisan (layaknya sebuah blog). Twitter adalah merupakan salah satu situs yang memadukan antara jejaring sosial dan blog. Postingan yang ditampilkan akan meyesuaikan dengan urutan waktu postingannya, jadi postingan yang dibuat pada tanggal yg lebih baru otomatis akan berada pada posisi teratas dari tampilan web twitter. Namun karena jumlah karakter yang ditampilkan dibatasi jadi twitter hanya mampu menampilkan penggalan postingan jika postingan terlalu panjang.
Ada beberapa cara untuk mengupdate twitter anda:
1. Dengan menggunakan hp (saya sampai sekarang belum tahu cara ini, dan juga malas mencari tahu cara menggunakan hp untuk update twitter karena tombol hp yang kecil dan susah untuk mengetik postingan di hp).
2. Dengan menggunakan situs gratisan yang bisa anda lakukan secara online, salahsatu situs yang menyediakan layanan update tweeter secara gratis adalah hootsuite, twitter feed, dll
3. Dengan posting/tweet langsung di twitter.
Dalam bahasan kali ini saya akan mencoba memberikan gambaran kepada teman-teman yang masih pemula tentang cara mengupdate twitter menggunakan situs hootsuite, dan kegiatan apa saja yang bisa anda lakukan di twitter :
1. Daftar ke twitter untuk membuat account,
2. Daftar ke hootsuite untuk membuat account,
3. Konfigurasi hootsuite dan twitter (untuk melakukan koneksi dan sinkronisasi antara twitter dan hootsuite
4. Update postingan secara manual (optional)
5. Update postingan secara otomatis dengan menggunakan rss feed
6. Hapus tweets (postingan)
7. Follow (mengikuti)twitter orang lain
Karena ada beberapa tahap, jika saya jaikan satu postingan maka waktu loadingnya akan lama karena gambarnya ada puluhan, jadi saya membagi menjadi beberapa bagian agar lebih mudah membuka halamannya, cara promosi blog di twitter bisa dilihat di bawah ini :
1. Cara daftar ke twitter,
2. Cara daftar ke hootsuite,
3. Cara Update postingan twitter secara manual
4. Cara Update postingan twitter secara otomatis dengan menggunakan hootsuite (rss feed)
5. Cara follow (mengikuti)twitter orang lain
Ada beberapa istilah yang digunakan dalam twitter, yaitu:
a. Tweets kalo dalam blogger (blogspot) dinamakan postingan
b. Following adalah situs twitter orang lain yang anda ikuti
c. Follewer adalah orang yang mengikuti situs twitter anda
d. Retweets adalah istilah membuat postingan (update) postingan di twitter
e. Follow adalah perintah atau tindakan untuk mengikuti twitter orang lain.
Ada beberapa cara untuk mengupdate twitter anda:
1. Dengan menggunakan hp (saya sampai sekarang belum tahu cara ini, dan juga malas mencari tahu cara menggunakan hp untuk update twitter karena tombol hp yang kecil dan susah untuk mengetik postingan di hp).
2. Dengan menggunakan situs gratisan yang bisa anda lakukan secara online, salahsatu situs yang menyediakan layanan update tweeter secara gratis adalah hootsuite, twitter feed, dll
3. Dengan posting/tweet langsung di twitter.
Dalam bahasan kali ini saya akan mencoba memberikan gambaran kepada teman-teman yang masih pemula tentang cara mengupdate twitter menggunakan situs hootsuite, dan kegiatan apa saja yang bisa anda lakukan di twitter :
1. Daftar ke twitter untuk membuat account,
2. Daftar ke hootsuite untuk membuat account,
3. Konfigurasi hootsuite dan twitter (untuk melakukan koneksi dan sinkronisasi antara twitter dan hootsuite
4. Update postingan secara manual (optional)
5. Update postingan secara otomatis dengan menggunakan rss feed
6. Hapus tweets (postingan)
7. Follow (mengikuti)twitter orang lain
Karena ada beberapa tahap, jika saya jaikan satu postingan maka waktu loadingnya akan lama karena gambarnya ada puluhan, jadi saya membagi menjadi beberapa bagian agar lebih mudah membuka halamannya, cara promosi blog di twitter bisa dilihat di bawah ini :
1. Cara daftar ke twitter,
2. Cara daftar ke hootsuite,
3. Cara Update postingan twitter secara manual
4. Cara Update postingan twitter secara otomatis dengan menggunakan hootsuite (rss feed)
5. Cara follow (mengikuti)twitter orang lain
Ada beberapa istilah yang digunakan dalam twitter, yaitu:
a. Tweets kalo dalam blogger (blogspot) dinamakan postingan
b. Following adalah situs twitter orang lain yang anda ikuti
c. Follewer adalah orang yang mengikuti situs twitter anda
d. Retweets adalah istilah membuat postingan (update) postingan di twitter
e. Follow adalah perintah atau tindakan untuk mengikuti twitter orang lain.
Cara daftar (buat account) di twitter
Cara daftar (buat account) di twitter. Sebagaimana yang diketahui twitter merupakan situs jejaring sosial dan microblogging. yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana promosi blog. Untuk menggunakannya anda harus mendaftar dan membuat account di twitter.
Berikut ini adalah cara buat akun di twitter
1. Daftar ke twitter, bisa klik disini Twitter
2. Isi form pendaftaran berikut
Fullname : nama anda (bisa pakai nama samaran)
Username : nama ini akan anda pakai untuk login
Password : usahakan beda dengan password email agar email anda tetap aman
Email : isi dgn email anda
Kemudian Klik Create my account
Kode capctha contoh: (Democrat shields)
Setelah itu Klik Finish
Setelah itu Klik Finish
2.Apabila sukses maka akan muncul pesan agar anda melakukan konfirmasi. Email konfirmasi dari twitter akan terkirim otomatis ke email , sebaiknya gunakan email gmail google.
Buka email anda, klik link konfirmasi dari twitter untuk mengaktifkan account twitter.
Sampai disini anda sudah punya halaman profil twitter, dan sudah bisa mengupdate atau membuat postingan secara manual di twitter,namun sampai saat ini twitter belum menyediakan fasilitas update postingan blog secara otomatis ke situs social networking di web twitter, jadi untuk update posting blog ke twitter harus menggunakan layanan pihak ketiga seperti hootsuite, tweeter feed (gratis), dll.
Buka email anda, klik link konfirmasi dari twitter untuk mengaktifkan account twitter.
Sampai disini anda sudah punya halaman profil twitter, dan sudah bisa mengupdate atau membuat postingan secara manual di twitter,namun sampai saat ini twitter belum menyediakan fasilitas update postingan blog secara otomatis ke situs social networking di web twitter, jadi untuk update posting blog ke twitter harus menggunakan layanan pihak ketiga seperti hootsuite, tweeter feed (gratis), dll.
How to Work successfully in Group
Group work or team work is unavoidable in the present day. Often you might have asked to work in groups in school, at office or occasionally while partaking in a volunteer activity. Clear and precise communication is inevitable to work in groups, whether for temporary or permanent jobs.
Try to become acquainted with each other. If you are going to work in a group with others for any extended period of time, use up one or two minutes speaking at the outset of the first get-together. Give proper introduction if you do not know each other.
Allocate positions if the task needs working jointly in a group for a long period of time to attain an exact goal. For example you may assign one person the group head or facilitator and another inscribe or note taker.
Exchange contact details to allow teammates to speak properly outside of planned conferences if the task is long-standing.
Recognize the team’s goal. For example, perhaps a lecturer asked you to achieve a task, or your organization asked you to analyze particular information and submit it. Communicate and record the team’s objective to ensure you all choose the chief goal of the team’s work.
Split the tasks into parts and allot each person a particular task to assail enduring tasks. Often this will go easier if people volunteer for tasks they akin to perform.
Pay attention to each other and give confidence to each other. Ensure each person in the group is heard and give support while others give a good suggestion or carry out a work successfully.
Handle the conflict straight away if it comes up. Even if hard to handle, divergence or dispute in a team can destabilize the Team’s goals. As fast as possible, tackle any divergences to keep the teammates concentrated on the ultimate aim.
Speak with your teammates if there is any problem and solve it as soon as possible. While problem arises we must be comfortable to discuss and solve problems. Try to forgive while people commit mistakes.
While strain takes place and tempers flame, take a small break. Refresh yourself, make an apology, and take another attempt at it. Say sorry for distressing your teammates, even though you believe somebody else was initially at fault; the objective is to work as one, not create a legal war over whose wrongdoing were worse. Try to be a mediator.
Try to become acquainted with each other. If you are going to work in a group with others for any extended period of time, use up one or two minutes speaking at the outset of the first get-together. Give proper introduction if you do not know each other.
Allocate positions if the task needs working jointly in a group for a long period of time to attain an exact goal. For example you may assign one person the group head or facilitator and another inscribe or note taker.
Exchange contact details to allow teammates to speak properly outside of planned conferences if the task is long-standing.
Recognize the team’s goal. For example, perhaps a lecturer asked you to achieve a task, or your organization asked you to analyze particular information and submit it. Communicate and record the team’s objective to ensure you all choose the chief goal of the team’s work.
Split the tasks into parts and allot each person a particular task to assail enduring tasks. Often this will go easier if people volunteer for tasks they akin to perform.
Pay attention to each other and give confidence to each other. Ensure each person in the group is heard and give support while others give a good suggestion or carry out a work successfully.
Handle the conflict straight away if it comes up. Even if hard to handle, divergence or dispute in a team can destabilize the Team’s goals. As fast as possible, tackle any divergences to keep the teammates concentrated on the ultimate aim.
Speak with your teammates if there is any problem and solve it as soon as possible. While problem arises we must be comfortable to discuss and solve problems. Try to forgive while people commit mistakes.
While strain takes place and tempers flame, take a small break. Refresh yourself, make an apology, and take another attempt at it. Say sorry for distressing your teammates, even though you believe somebody else was initially at fault; the objective is to work as one, not create a legal war over whose wrongdoing were worse. Try to be a mediator.
Sharpen your leadership skill
Leadership is planning a helpful course for your career and life, and following through with your plan undeterred by harmful forces. It is stirring others by describing your prospects and principles, and spending a life span living up to those principles. Sharpening your leadership qualities can direct to a more pleasing life for you, your family and your colleagues. Commence by including some thoughts into your life.
· Remove negativity around you. This contains complainers and pessimists. It is hard to pursue your own positive path if you are bounded by negative people. Encircle yourself with those who perceive what is true with the world, not what is mistaken with it.
· Put into practice what you sermonize. Others will pursue the instance of a leader who has the honesty to constantly proceed in a moral way. What often divides a leader from the group is his skill to oppose the persuasion to get shortcuts or compromise his principles.
· Maintain yourself in form. Lay down an instance of living a vibrant life. If your body and mind are strong, you will be attentive and exhibit confidence, and therefore create reverence. People are obviously drawn to positive persons who make others feel safe. Promote others to join in healthy routine.
· Pursue the golden law. It can never be an error to treat others as you wish to be treated. You will get the faith of your acquaintances who will be enthused to pursue your lead. Be impartial and refined while you are mistaken. No one will freely pursue a person who cannot see another viewpoint. Explain others how to study and grow up and train them that it is acceptable to be proven incorrect.
· Try hard to show up the best in others. Prove your leadership by serving others rises among the position. Lay down the instance of considering the greater good as the final recompense. Only ask of other people what you would morally perform yourself. Be observable, amicable and occupied. Converse a vision, integrate everybody occupied into working the idea and remain in the thick of the procedure.
· Observe failure for what it is: a learning skill that trains you what not to perform. Hold failure as a means to make new chances.
· Be observable, amicable and occupied. Converse a vision, integrate everybody occupied into working the idea and remain in the thick of the procedure.
· Try to be calm during crises. Workers usually follow their senior’s reactions. If you are frankly panicking about circumstances, your workers will also do the same thing.
· Apply moral reasoning while making any kinds of decisions. Morals are becoming a main problem in the workplace.
· Remove negativity around you. This contains complainers and pessimists. It is hard to pursue your own positive path if you are bounded by negative people. Encircle yourself with those who perceive what is true with the world, not what is mistaken with it.
· Put into practice what you sermonize. Others will pursue the instance of a leader who has the honesty to constantly proceed in a moral way. What often divides a leader from the group is his skill to oppose the persuasion to get shortcuts or compromise his principles.
· Maintain yourself in form. Lay down an instance of living a vibrant life. If your body and mind are strong, you will be attentive and exhibit confidence, and therefore create reverence. People are obviously drawn to positive persons who make others feel safe. Promote others to join in healthy routine.
· Pursue the golden law. It can never be an error to treat others as you wish to be treated. You will get the faith of your acquaintances who will be enthused to pursue your lead. Be impartial and refined while you are mistaken. No one will freely pursue a person who cannot see another viewpoint. Explain others how to study and grow up and train them that it is acceptable to be proven incorrect.
· Try hard to show up the best in others. Prove your leadership by serving others rises among the position. Lay down the instance of considering the greater good as the final recompense. Only ask of other people what you would morally perform yourself. Be observable, amicable and occupied. Converse a vision, integrate everybody occupied into working the idea and remain in the thick of the procedure.
· Observe failure for what it is: a learning skill that trains you what not to perform. Hold failure as a means to make new chances.
· Be observable, amicable and occupied. Converse a vision, integrate everybody occupied into working the idea and remain in the thick of the procedure.
· Try to be calm during crises. Workers usually follow their senior’s reactions. If you are frankly panicking about circumstances, your workers will also do the same thing.
· Apply moral reasoning while making any kinds of decisions. Morals are becoming a main problem in the workplace.
7 Ways on How to Improve Your Creativity
1. Carry around a notebook with you everywhere you go. Whenever you get an idea for an article, a website, a painting—anything, write it or sketch it into the notebook. You might feel a little silly doing this, especially at first, but there is nothing quite as helpful as that notebook when you find yourself creatively strapped. All you have to do is look through the notebook for ideas that you haven’t yet had time to work on. Sometimes just looking at past ideas can help you form an idea for your present problem.
2. Try coming at your problem from a new angle. If, for example, you have been commissioned to create some art for a webpage about sports, try looking at sports from a different angle—instead of the traditional examples, think of other things that could be considered sports. Sometimes, forcing yourself to approach a problem from the exact opposite angle can be enough to spark your creativity.
3. Summarize your problem with a single and basic sentence. Let’s say you have been hired to write a radio commercial for a local car dealership. Start with something basic like “car dealerships sell cars.” For example, car dealerships sell cars. From there, ask yourself the who, what, when, where and why of your sentence. Before you know it, you’ll have pages of ideas for your commercial.
4. If all else fails, get up and walk away from your project for a while—even if you are staring in the face of an impending deadline. Go for a walk, get away from the computer—just go. Often when you feel stressed, your creativity gives way to practicality and that isn’t good for someone who needs to find a fresh idea. What’s more, when your brain relaxes, you’ll probably find yourself flooded with ideas for your project!
5. Creativity is reduced when our se ness are dulled. Sleep well, eat we ll and meditate often. I know ma nay of us don’t have the lid borty of time available to mediate at ho me, so apply a bit of crew activity. You have a problem with a availability of time; use your time wh le traveling to do so. Just a go do 10 – 15 minutes of me dictation can put you in the r ght path towards becoming creative.
During thi s exercise, learn to breathe softly and try to re lax your body completely. Once at thi s state, try to imagine being in a fo rest or any place that you like. Try visualizing the surrounding in de tails. Try to listen to your s rounding and keep strolling around that place and keep discovering new things.
6. Do you have a hobby? If no, then start now by asking yourself what you enjoy. Do you enjoy music? Do you enjoy collecting items? Do you enjoy entertaining people? Do you enjoy writing? Do you enjoy drawing/painting? Do you enjoy crafts? Having a hobby helps you in many ways and directly helps you in improving your creativity. It forces you to think out of the box during the period when you are conducting you’re hobby. My only hobby is magic. I enjoy entertaining people and hence learn new m ves & techniques all the time and spend some of my time in practicing and mastering them. You might not l ke magic, but that’s ok. Try finding something that you like and de vote some time to it. You will see a remarkable improvement in your creative ability.
7. Do something which does not interest you .If you hate reading, then start reading a book. If you don’t like a particular type of music, then start listening to such music. The point here is to expose your brain to as many new things and concepts as possible. You never know what new learning you might use to solve a problem later in life.
2. Try coming at your problem from a new angle. If, for example, you have been commissioned to create some art for a webpage about sports, try looking at sports from a different angle—instead of the traditional examples, think of other things that could be considered sports. Sometimes, forcing yourself to approach a problem from the exact opposite angle can be enough to spark your creativity.
3. Summarize your problem with a single and basic sentence. Let’s say you have been hired to write a radio commercial for a local car dealership. Start with something basic like “car dealerships sell cars.” For example, car dealerships sell cars. From there, ask yourself the who, what, when, where and why of your sentence. Before you know it, you’ll have pages of ideas for your commercial.
4. If all else fails, get up and walk away from your project for a while—even if you are staring in the face of an impending deadline. Go for a walk, get away from the computer—just go. Often when you feel stressed, your creativity gives way to practicality and that isn’t good for someone who needs to find a fresh idea. What’s more, when your brain relaxes, you’ll probably find yourself flooded with ideas for your project!
5. Creativity is reduced when our se ness are dulled. Sleep well, eat we ll and meditate often. I know ma nay of us don’t have the lid borty of time available to mediate at ho me, so apply a bit of crew activity. You have a problem with a availability of time; use your time wh le traveling to do so. Just a go do 10 – 15 minutes of me dictation can put you in the r ght path towards becoming creative.
During thi s exercise, learn to breathe softly and try to re lax your body completely. Once at thi s state, try to imagine being in a fo rest or any place that you like. Try visualizing the surrounding in de tails. Try to listen to your s rounding and keep strolling around that place and keep discovering new things.
6. Do you have a hobby? If no, then start now by asking yourself what you enjoy. Do you enjoy music? Do you enjoy collecting items? Do you enjoy entertaining people? Do you enjoy writing? Do you enjoy drawing/painting? Do you enjoy crafts? Having a hobby helps you in many ways and directly helps you in improving your creativity. It forces you to think out of the box during the period when you are conducting you’re hobby. My only hobby is magic. I enjoy entertaining people and hence learn new m ves & techniques all the time and spend some of my time in practicing and mastering them. You might not l ke magic, but that’s ok. Try finding something that you like and de vote some time to it. You will see a remarkable improvement in your creative ability.
7. Do something which does not interest you .If you hate reading, then start reading a book. If you don’t like a particular type of music, then start listening to such music. The point here is to expose your brain to as many new things and concepts as possible. You never know what new learning you might use to solve a problem later in life.
Enhance your communication skill and succeed
By improving your communication skill surely you can get succeed in your career as well as in your personal life. In this rapidly growing world, it is very much required to develop your communication skill to go ahead and flourish.
Being able to efficiently converse with others implies that you possess the ability to accept and convey information; a very significant asset taking into account that information nowadays has turned into a valued asset.
Being able to converse efficiently implies more than just being eloquent. Lots of other things are essential for successful communication. You must be familiar with them to advance your communication skill. They also depend on having a keen ear apart from having a way with the oral word. Some tips are here that can help you to enhance your communication.
Efficient communication depends on your capability to listen. Being an enthusiastic listener enables you to collect the entire information that you can acquire from a particular talk. Being an enthusiastic listener also implies that you concentrate on what is being spoken and ensure that you understand the point.
An excellent way to enhance your understanding is by learning to get occupied in the discussion. Make out how to ask queries at any time you feel you lose out on a particular point. Make an effort to use your senses throughout an enduring conversation.
For the duration of conversations, respond rather than trying to react. Responding involves the use of your mind earlier than you talk whereas reacting generally entails your feeling. Responding all the time keeps you in control as you mindfully oversee what you want to speak. Reacting, conversely, can allow a talk get out of control, which is not the purpose of efficient communication.
What you need to do to enhance your communication is regular practice. Take part in as many debates and collective communications as you can. Try to practice the listening skill also. When you move along, you can see a substantial development on them. If there is not a feasible debate to take part in, you can practice with your friends and family. Efficient communication can be used in various parts of your life, be it at job at game. For all time keep in mind that successful communication is a means of creating good relationships.
When you try hard to develop your communication skill, you will finally get success along the way.
Being able to efficiently converse with others implies that you possess the ability to accept and convey information; a very significant asset taking into account that information nowadays has turned into a valued asset.
Being able to converse efficiently implies more than just being eloquent. Lots of other things are essential for successful communication. You must be familiar with them to advance your communication skill. They also depend on having a keen ear apart from having a way with the oral word. Some tips are here that can help you to enhance your communication.
Efficient communication depends on your capability to listen. Being an enthusiastic listener enables you to collect the entire information that you can acquire from a particular talk. Being an enthusiastic listener also implies that you concentrate on what is being spoken and ensure that you understand the point.
An excellent way to enhance your understanding is by learning to get occupied in the discussion. Make out how to ask queries at any time you feel you lose out on a particular point. Make an effort to use your senses throughout an enduring conversation.
For the duration of conversations, respond rather than trying to react. Responding involves the use of your mind earlier than you talk whereas reacting generally entails your feeling. Responding all the time keeps you in control as you mindfully oversee what you want to speak. Reacting, conversely, can allow a talk get out of control, which is not the purpose of efficient communication.
What you need to do to enhance your communication is regular practice. Take part in as many debates and collective communications as you can. Try to practice the listening skill also. When you move along, you can see a substantial development on them. If there is not a feasible debate to take part in, you can practice with your friends and family. Efficient communication can be used in various parts of your life, be it at job at game. For all time keep in mind that successful communication is a means of creating good relationships.
When you try hard to develop your communication skill, you will finally get success along the way.
Essential personal skills you require to become successful
Have you ever recognized three personal skills that you require to become successful in your career? If not try to make out as soon as possible, because whatever you achieve in your life depends upon your personal skills wherein you are the most excellent. It is essential that those personal skills are harmonizing your enduring objective. If you are offering your services to any institute then one of your top personal skills must comprise one key skill needed to assist your work. Here are top three personal skills you need to achieve.
Good mind-set: Every one can learn a new skill very easily but you can not train an adult to change his or her mind-set or attitude, because it requires certain timeline to obtain. Each employer and even any client wishes to get a good attitude towards his requirements.
Positive attitude: If you have positive attitude towards anything then you can achieve your goals in your life. People with positive outlook always have a propensity to uncover good things even in the failures.
Discipline: This is one of the necessary qualities that separate a superior with minor one. It improves your hopes in your career and in your life.
Obedience: This quality is the one that detach a high achiever with a lesser one. It makes your integrity in your career as well as in your personal life.
Cooperation: readiness to engage
Alertness: Do you possess the ability to imagine and plan cautiously before performing? This helps you with reducing the possibility for costly mistakes, as well as maintaining a stable workflow going.
Goodwill: This is an ability to think others are well-intentioned.
Savvy: This is not related to career awareness, but awareness about colleagues and the working atmosphere. It comprises an ability to read other people's purpose from observed activities and employ these details to direct one's thoughts and deed.
Alertness: Do you possess the ability to imagine and plan cautiously before performing? This helps you with reducing the possibility for costly mistakes, as well as maintaining a stable workflow going.
Goodwill: This is an ability to think others are well-intentioned.
Savvy: This is not related to career awareness, but awareness about colleagues and the working atmosphere. It comprises an ability to read other people's purpose from observed activities and employ these details to direct one's thoughts and deed.
Other essential skills are:
Creativity: Creativity provides you an extra benefit over people who are not using this. Your one plan can be worth one billion dollars.
Influence: If you possess this skill then definitely you can become a successful leader. This skill is very essential if you work in politics or on higher business positions.
Alertness: If you possess a propensity to carry out your work with alertness then you will become a realistic person in your career very shortly.
Collaboration: If you have good interpersonal skills and you provide and accept collaboration among your co workers as well as friends then you will become an excellent leader.
Good mind-set: Every one can learn a new skill very easily but you can not train an adult to change his or her mind-set or attitude, because it requires certain timeline to obtain. Each employer and even any client wishes to get a good attitude towards his requirements.
Positive attitude: If you have positive attitude towards anything then you can achieve your goals in your life. People with positive outlook always have a propensity to uncover good things even in the failures.
Discipline: This is one of the necessary qualities that separate a superior with minor one. It improves your hopes in your career and in your life.
Obedience: This quality is the one that detach a high achiever with a lesser one. It makes your integrity in your career as well as in your personal life.
Cooperation: readiness to engage
Alertness: Do you possess the ability to imagine and plan cautiously before performing? This helps you with reducing the possibility for costly mistakes, as well as maintaining a stable workflow going.
Goodwill: This is an ability to think others are well-intentioned.
Savvy: This is not related to career awareness, but awareness about colleagues and the working atmosphere. It comprises an ability to read other people's purpose from observed activities and employ these details to direct one's thoughts and deed.
Alertness: Do you possess the ability to imagine and plan cautiously before performing? This helps you with reducing the possibility for costly mistakes, as well as maintaining a stable workflow going.
Goodwill: This is an ability to think others are well-intentioned.
Savvy: This is not related to career awareness, but awareness about colleagues and the working atmosphere. It comprises an ability to read other people's purpose from observed activities and employ these details to direct one's thoughts and deed.
Other essential skills are:
Creativity: Creativity provides you an extra benefit over people who are not using this. Your one plan can be worth one billion dollars.
Influence: If you possess this skill then definitely you can become a successful leader. This skill is very essential if you work in politics or on higher business positions.
Alertness: If you possess a propensity to carry out your work with alertness then you will become a realistic person in your career very shortly.
Collaboration: If you have good interpersonal skills and you provide and accept collaboration among your co workers as well as friends then you will become an excellent leader.
Sunday, 2 August 2009
How to provide good impression during an interview
Being interviewed for a possible job post for a new organization will be a stressful attempt. Here are some useful tips to assist with your self-confidence and other preparations.
Collect some information regarding the company, and the job post, you are interviewing for earlier. See their websites or speak with the people who already work in that company. That will make an impression on the person interviewing you.
Ensure you look the part. If you are interviewing for an administrative post it may be a bad plan to wear jeans and a T-shirt. Conversely, if you are interviewing for a post as a salesman at the shop, you may not need to wear suit and tie. Get ready as if you previously have the profession and dress accordingly.
Foremost thing you need to do when the recruiters introduce themselves is to stand up, look them directly in the eye, give introduction to yourself and offer them a firm handshake. Throughout the interview ensure to look the interviewer directly in the eye. But avoid staring them. There is a divergence. While she or he is speaking, focus on. Don't look around the organization. Look directly at the recruiter. This gives them an impression that you are listening and are really involved in whatever they are speaking to you.
Write down notes. It gives the interviewer an idea that you are really interested in this job. Moreover it will help you to write questions for him or her if there occurs to be a next interview.
Be respectful and smile at them. Keep in mind that the person performing the interview is human being. It is acceptable to laugh while they say some jokes. Commence the interview by inquiring them how the day is going for them like you are walking to his or her workplace. It affixes a constituent of personality and helps out to smash the ice before getting down to business.
Don’t slump. Sit straight and concentrate. Moreover, make certain to never curse. It is also a good idea to never speak roughly about your present or previous employers.
Collect some information regarding the company, and the job post, you are interviewing for earlier. See their websites or speak with the people who already work in that company. That will make an impression on the person interviewing you.
Ensure you look the part. If you are interviewing for an administrative post it may be a bad plan to wear jeans and a T-shirt. Conversely, if you are interviewing for a post as a salesman at the shop, you may not need to wear suit and tie. Get ready as if you previously have the profession and dress accordingly.
Foremost thing you need to do when the recruiters introduce themselves is to stand up, look them directly in the eye, give introduction to yourself and offer them a firm handshake. Throughout the interview ensure to look the interviewer directly in the eye. But avoid staring them. There is a divergence. While she or he is speaking, focus on. Don't look around the organization. Look directly at the recruiter. This gives them an impression that you are listening and are really involved in whatever they are speaking to you.
Write down notes. It gives the interviewer an idea that you are really interested in this job. Moreover it will help you to write questions for him or her if there occurs to be a next interview.
Be respectful and smile at them. Keep in mind that the person performing the interview is human being. It is acceptable to laugh while they say some jokes. Commence the interview by inquiring them how the day is going for them like you are walking to his or her workplace. It affixes a constituent of personality and helps out to smash the ice before getting down to business.
Don’t slump. Sit straight and concentrate. Moreover, make certain to never curse. It is also a good idea to never speak roughly about your present or previous employers.
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