Blogger templates


Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Menambah gadget untuk tukaran link (backlink) di sidebar

Menambah gadget untuk tukaran link (backlink) di sidebar. Untuk meningkatkan pagerank (google pagerank) anda perlu melakukan pertukaran link. Dalam artian anda memasang link dari blog anda ke blog teman anda yang diajak tukaran link, demikian juga teman anda memasang link dari blognya ke blog anda.
Apa keuntungan yang akan anda peroleh jika mempunyai banyak link (tautan) dari dan ke blog lain. Semakin banyak backlink (yang melink) blog anda maka akan semakin besar peluang untuk menaikkan pagerank. Komposisi backlink dalammeningkatkan pagerank sekitar 70 %, selebihnya dari banyaknya /prosentase klik di dalam halaman blog anda, dan trafik.
Ada beberapa cara yang bisa anda lakukan untuk memasang link teman anda di blog.
1. Menggunakan gadget "Daftar Link" yang telah disediakan oleh Blogger, anda hanya perlu menambahkan gadget tersebut ke (sidebar atau footer) blog anda. Cara ini lebih praktis karena anda tidak perlu memasukkan kode link, cukup memasukkan url dan nama blog teman anda. Selain itu mudah diurutkan, jadi lebih terlihat rapi.
2. Anda bisa membuat kode link ke dalam sebuah halaman postingan.
Dalam bahasan kali ini kita akan menggunakan cara pertama saja.
1. Masuk ke account blog anda
pilih dashboard -> Tata Letak -> Elemen Halaman
Klik " Tambah Gadget"
2. Kemudian pada kotak dialog berikut, pilih Daftar Link
3. Isi bagian judul : misalnya -> Daftar Link (Link Teman)
Url situs baru : misalnya -> (url blog teman anda)
Nama situs baru : misalnya -> Tutorial Komputer
Kemudian Klik tombol "Tambahkan Tautan"
4. hasilnya seperti di bawah ini
Kemudian anda bisa memasukkan url teman yang baru
Apabila sudah selesai tekan tombol Simpan
5. Jika suatu waktu ada link teman yang akan ditambahkan maka anda hanya perlu menekan Edit pada gadget daftar link (Link teman), kemudian lakukan langkah 3.
Hal ini akan berulang anda lakukan jika ingin bertukar link.

Friday, 22 May 2009

Capture tampilan di desktop (layar komputer) menggunakan Irfanview

Capture tampilan di desktop (layar komputer) menggunakan Irfanview. Irfanview adalah merupakan software gratisan yang dapat digunakan sebagai image viewer (bisa lihat tulisan saya sebelumnya). Selain itu dapat juga digunakan untuk mengcapture (mengambil/screenshoot)tampilan di desktop (layar komputer). Kelebihan software ini dibanding capture dengan menggunakan printscreen adalah hasil capturenya yang dapat menampilkan kursor dan pointer mouse.
1. Untuk memulai mengcapture (merekam tampilan di layar komputer), buka aplikasi irfan view.
Kemudian pada menu bar pilih Options -> Capture/screenshot
2. Setelah itu pada kotak dialog berikut klik tombol Start
3. Buka sebuah aplikasi yang akan dicapture, dalam contoh ini saya membuka aplikasi excel
a. tekan kombinasi tombol Ctrl + F11 (tanpa tanda plus)
b. Jika berhasil maka akan muncul hasil capturenya di irfanview.
Hasil capturenya akan terlihat seprti di bawah ini
(kursor mouse tercapture dengan jelas)
4. Kemudian sebagai perbandingan jika menggunakan printscreen atau aplikasi capture fscapture, hasilnya seperti di bawah ini
(kursor mouse tidak bisa tercapture)
Anda bisa mendownload irfanvew disini

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Top 5 Mistakes at Job winning Phases

Top 5 Mistakes what I observed @ Many Resumes

  • Same Objective
  • Cut-Copy-Paste of others resume , except Name and Education Details
  • Forget To sign Before Handover the Resume
  • Personal Profile is in the first page , rather than what skills asked
  • Typo Errors

Top 5 Mistakes what I observed @ Many Job seekers at job search

  • Applying wrong job with right resume
  • Applying right job with old resume
  • Lack of in-time communication
  • Not interested to present commitment
  • Leaving many job opportunities to enjoy personal life.

Top 5 Mistakes what I observed @ Many Job seekers at Interview

  • No eye to eye contact
  • Not able to know what Resume contains
  • Trying to be divert the topic
  • Showing Temperament
  • Asking the Result

Tips to Answer Interview Questions

Attending an interview is one of the difficult things in our job hunting. Every one feels it very difficult to win an interview. There is no other way, you have to go and attend the interview if you want a job. No one can escape from the interview, realizing this fact start preparing for the interview. Practicing is the one and only key for successful interview. So keep on practicing until you get succeed in your interview. The more interviews you attend the more experience you will get. If you couldn’t succeed at one interview don’t get disappointed, take it as an experience and prepare well for the next interview.

Ten tips for answering the interview questions effectively.

1. Relax yourself and be confident.

2. Ensure you vend your self; don’t be frightened to shove your strong points.

3. Expect that you will be asked some questions that you never heard or read anywhere.

4. Never think that Interviews are something to fear, they are a medium to excel and prove your abilities.

5. Write down some of your best points and ensure you can use them at the time of interview.

6. Make use of some examples while answering the questions. If you have applicable circumstances you can invite such situations.

7. Avoid telling lies in the interview, mainly recruiters will spot this. So be careful.

8. Ensure that you have collected some information about the company, as it gives the interviewer the impression that you are enthusiastic and very much interested in this company

9. Think about conducting a mock interview before attending the real interview. If you feel, you lack confidence and practice this mock interview will help you to a certain extend. Here you will get a chance to analyze yourself; you can improve your performance wherever you feel wrong.

10. Prepare some questions to ask at the time of interview. Try to ask some relevant questions .Don’t ask too many questions that irritate the interviewer.

Do's And Don'ts At Resume Preparation

What is Resume ? How to prepare It ? What should be there in it? How to tune it to the best ? What mistakes to be avoided ? To say all these in simple steps , just go through these points …

Resume Preparation - Do’s

  • Before you Prepare, select the right format for your Resume. The most important information, such as your key skills and recent expertise, needs to be near the top, where it can be seen straightaway.
  • Always check for errors. Run a spell and grammar check and ask someone else to read it for you.
  • Unless the advertisement specified you not to, always send a covering letter. This should highlight the two or three areas of expertise from your Resume that are most relevant to the advertised job.
  • Even though you obviously want to present yourself well, don't go too far and give false information at any time.

Resume Preparation - Don’ts

  • Spelling Errors, Typo Graphical Errors and Poor Grammar
  • Long Resumes
  • Personal Information Unrelated to the Job

Depression , Depression , Depression - How to come out !!!

Depression , depression , depression !!! What’s this . Many freshers are keep sending , I am very much depressed. I am not able to get job. Please get a job. What for depression . Is you lost every thin in life. I really can’t able to understand what for depression . I strongly say to any , first try to get any job. Earn at least a little money. You try your dream job in parallel way. That self earning makes you to come out from depression and make you to know the new world. It’s not movie that , you can come out from the worries immediately . So it takes time for every thing. It’s not idly , or dosa , to get immediately after ordering. It’s job . It’s a tough game . So keep in mind , one day you will get the job., Try for that. Think about it. Than keep saying , I got depressed , I am worried , I am frustrated., I am having lot problems , etc . Say me , who don’t have problems ? That’s what. So try to make your self relaxed and try to spend some time for your self .Try to analyze , where the mistake there or where you are missing. In this world , job is at your hand completely. No other thing is at your hand completely .for e.g marriage , it depends with other person . So , job is having excellent feature that ,. It depends on you. You can reach your destiny , if really planed well.

Feeling depressed is not a sin. Every body will have depression at some particular moment,. But keep thinking about it and not able to come out from it , is only mistake. Don’t ask any body , how to come out from depression. You know how to enter it , so you should know how to exit from it. Sure you know. You really get spirit by own. Try to get motivated by you itself. You dream for your happy life and do it.

I really feel depressed to say to come out from depression !!! ha ha , cheer up ,and enjoy life. At this young age if you won’t enjoy , when you will enjoy life. Lets work hard and enjoy the fruits (Dream JOB).

How to Handle the depression - Basic outline

ts Hard to handle depression moments and come back to the normal position . Saying is very easy but handling very tough. Every body almost gets depression in different situations , so throwing out the depression is not easy but the depression time can be reduced , means come out quickly from the depression than normal out time ....some of the following might be useful to come out ...

1) Meet or speak with close friends or relatives or well wishers

2) Try to share your issue with some body

3) Try read magazines / new papers or any books

4) Try to watch TV or Browse Internet

5) Try to play sports or go out from that environment

6) try to list out how you can solve that particular problem which caused you to depress , write all on a paper and check the best solution

Many are there , but its very hard to come out from the depression , but at some time its obvious to come back normal status , then why can't we make it in less time...

Be Happy .. Try to make the people to be Happy ...

How to prepare for a phone interview

You have a book coming out and you are beginning your phone interviews to create exposure. Always the most excellent interview is the one where the candidate is equipped, succinct and comfortable. If you are a writer, you are most likely at your best alone in a room and your phone etiquette or social skills may not be the supreme. You may find it very difficulty to attend this interview without any fear and nervous. This is quite natural. The only way to keep tension away from you is to practice what you are going to speak in advance, get the wording down to succinct, motivating thoughts and maintain your remarks handy.

Accept or present a list of queries that you would like the interview to cover. Ensure you and the recruiters select the last list. At this moment you can sit down and copy out the answers to the questions. Noting down the answers will provide you an idea about what the interview will appear, and what guidelines it will head.

Evaluate your answers. Read those answers loudly to yourself, or to a companion. This will facilitate you observe if you naturally alter the words to sound more fervent while talking out loud as opposed to how the words sound on paper.

Redesign your answers to best encourage your book. You can observe spots that require to be filled in, or queries that can be left out fully. Try to read it loudly. Get your friend ask the queries and you reply them as you perform in the interview. Practicing like this helps you to improve your confidence and lessen the tension during the real interview.

At the time of interview, keep your notes in front of you to prompt you in case you feel nerves, or feel lost.

Before your interview begins, look at your note and talk about it like it is your best companion who has just saved you from dangers. The more positive you feel about your topic, the more people will be inquisitive to interpret your book and make out why you are so excited about it.

How to provide good impression during an interview

Being interviewed for a possible job post for a new organization will be a stressful attempt. Here are some useful tips to assist with your self-confidence and other preparations.

Collect some information regarding the company, and the job post, you are interviewing for earlier. See their websites or speak with the people who already work in that company. That will make an impression on the person interviewing you.

Ensure you look the part. If you are interviewing for an administrative post it may be a bad plan to wear jeans and a T-shirt. Conversely, if you are interviewing for a post as a salesman at the shop, you may not need to wear suit and tie. Get ready as if you previously have the profession and dress accordingly.

Foremost thing you need to do when the recruiters introduce themselves is to stand up, look them directly in the eye, give introduction to yourself and offer them a firm handshake. Throughout the interview ensure to look the interviewer directly in the eye. But avoid staring them. There is a divergence. While she or he is speaking, focus on. Don't look around the organization. Look directly at the recruiter. This gives them an impression that you are listening and are really involved in whatever they are speaking to you.

Write down notes. It gives the interviewer an idea that you are really interested in this job. Moreover it will help you to write questions for him or her if there occurs to be a next interview.

Be respectful and smile at them. Keep in mind that the person performing the interview is human being. It is acceptable to laugh while they say some jokes. Commence the interview by inquiring them how the day is going for them like you are walking to his or her workplace. It affixes a constituent of personality and helps out to smash the ice before getting down to business.

Don’t slump. Sit straight and concentrate. Moreover, make certain to never curse. It is also a good idea to never speak roughly about your present or previous employers.

How to nail a job interview

Most of the recruiters make some estimation about you in the first few minutes of the interview. Here are some tips to make a good impression about you.

· Prior to your interview, meet some people who are already working there. If possible, notice how employees are coming to office and how they behave and dress.

· Reach your destination before ten minutes and collect some information regarding the company.

· Find out time to wish and acknowledge the executives or secretarial assistant; it is conservative manners, and moreover, this person will have lots of influence .

· Take an extra copy of resume and reference letter in case the recruiter does not possess it.

· Be positive and cheerful. While you face interview sit straightly with your arms and leg uncrossed and feel more relaxed. Smile and keep a good eye contact with them.

· Be aware of company’s production, dealings, objectives, and clients.

· Answer the questions properly and prepare yourself some relevant question to ask.

· While you answer try to give the positive answer in order to create a good impression about you.

· Wind up with a positive declaration and a firm handshake. Inquire when you may follow up, and receive a business card from the recruiter.

· At the end send them a thank you letter.

How to win any negotiation

In today’s rapid growing world good negotiation skill is very much required. Once you have recognized what you require, you can make use of your skills to attain it. An effective negotiation means that both parties will get what they need during a series of useful deliberations. Make use of the tips below to win any type of negotiation that you come across.

· Practice systematically for the negotiation before you start negotiating. You should ensure that you know what main points you need to present during the negotiation prior to the negotiation. Sit down and dwell on the opinions your opponent is going to formulate. Figure out conflicts to all of the opinions before you start the negotiation.
· Bear in mind that negotiation is not a winning and losing game, it is only a win-win game In order to win negotiation, you must train to lower your status and primary position.
· In whichever negotiation method, never be the one offering the last contract. Allow your ‘opponent’ presents his last deal, and you determine whether you admit the contract or not.
· Avoid selling yourself too cheaply. If you lower your first offer, your ‘opponent’ will think that something you suggest is not precious or valuable.

· Enhance your confidence level prior to the negotiation by ensuring that you have a positive outlook regarding the negotiations. Start your negotiation believing that you will acquire what you wish finally. Practice some recreation exercises and concentrate on the outcome that you require, after that, go out and acquire it.

· Present your dispute clearly and in simple language. Avoid using technical terms as it confuses your adversary. This will cause them to turn into cynical and they become more rigid throughout the negotiation.

· Pay attention to your adversary. Don’t allow their dispute change you into your next shtick. This will make you to misinterpret something. Be an energetic listener by listening with your ears, eyes and brain.

· Ask queries to your opponent if you can not make out anything. Don't be scared of looking stupid by asking questions. You must ensure that you recognize what they are speaking so you can acquire what you need from the negotiation.

· Be more flexible throughout the negotiation. The end result of a negotiation is that it be a win-win state. If a negotiation is completed exactly, then both parties must obtain what they require at last. On the other hand, you can sacrifice some negligible things to achieve what you wish.

Self confidence in just Five days

Day One---- Face Yourself

Move ahead and face yourself, irrevocably .Stand before the mirror and look at you for some time. What appearance can you see gazing back at you? A pleased expression? A gloomy expression? Doubtful? Irritated? If you have anything nasty to speak, get it off your chest now. Then let it go off.

Day Two----Practice on Your Ego

Standing in front of the mirror looks at you and be ready to turn your words around. Do you memorize the old proverbs? Three put-ups for one put-down? Put that into practice in your restroom. Each negative word you said former times wants to be disproved, removed and wiped out by good qualities you notice in yourself.

You have to state them loudly. I need you to memorize what respects sound like. I wish you to distinguish between the sincere remarks uttered loudly, and the negative talks that restrain you out of fear.

Day Three---Keep the Music Alive

Occasionally, what is within your brain can drown out the entire good in the earth. Teach yourself to act the contrary. Pay attention to your favorite songs, whenever negative thoughts come into your mind play the music, as it keeps you away from the upsetting things. If you are in an angry mood, play an intense song .Depending on your mood select the music and listen to it, it may refresh you.

Compel yourself to imagine in emotions versus words, as frequently the terms we select don't truly speak about how we feel. They evade feeling out of the fear of pain and jump directly to censure.

Censures steal from us self-confidence. Soreness helps us observe who we really are.

Day Four---- Laugh Out Loudly

Your negative talk begins to panic. It is being removed. What can you do to restrain you? It is really astonishing how far our subliminal will go to stop development just to evade the perils that rise with change.

Occasionally this ends in an all around fetid mood. A bad temper that keeps you inside, away from associates and crouched at home. That on its own can damage numerous goals, which consecutively directs to self flaw and distrust.

What step we can take to modify that? It is as easy as flipping on the television, or going out to watch a comic film. Humors, cartoons, funny stories, they all create laughing. And laughing is indubitably the best remedy for an ailing psyche.

Day Five---- Be amenable to greetings

If any, the middle point will be the toughest part of the riddle to admit. You have set up ways of handling the negative talks from outside your own head. A successful way to join in encouraging inner discourse however is to fantasy, and makes separate optimistic talks. Once you strengthen their voices, it is easier for them to speak on their own.

If you listen daily, you can see lots of people giving you greetings you didn't observe before. "Thank you," by itself can improve your confidence. Hold these and replay them all through the day in your mind. Mostly good-looking young lady or handsome man may become an all-time friend .When time goes on you can add to the cast of characters. Just like relatives, parents, associates, and tutors can start pessimistic space in your mind, so can they fill up with caring and loving prop up. Keep in mind, the terms aren't being articulated by anybody else. The selection or choice is yours

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Cara claim blog di technorati (daftar blog di technorati)

Mungkin ada diantara teman-teman yang ingin menambahkan tombol technorati favorite ke blog, biasanya ada yang memasang tombol tersebut di bagian akhir sebuah postingan di blog. Kegunaan tombol tersebut adalah memudahkan pengunjung blog kita untuk memfavorirkan postingan yang kita buat. Semakin banyak yang memfavoritkan maka semakin tinggi peringkat (rank blog di technorati). Contoh tombol technorati favorite bisa dilihat di bawah ini
Untuk menambahkan tombol tersebut ke blog maka anda harus login ke account technorati
( jika belum punya bisa daftar blog ke technorati )
1. Masukkan memeber name dan password
Klik Sign In
2. Pilih Blogger Central -> Claim Your Blog
3. Klik Edit Setting
4. Pilih script terchnorati favorite yang anda inginkan
5. Copy script tersebut, kemudian pada blog anda, masuk ke account
dashboard -> tataletak -> Tambah Gadget -> Html/java script masukkan script ke dalam kotak teks add html javascript
Update februari 2010
Berhubung technorati saat ini telah mengubah cara claim blog, maka untuk melakukan claim blog, 
1. Login ke akun technorati anda
2. Di bagian kanan atas, klik username anda

3. Setelah halaman account terbuka, klik tombol claim

4. Masukkan data tentang blog anda
Jika menggunakan blogspot:
Feed blog anda:

Klik tombol Procees to next step
5. Klik Return to profile
6.Klik Check claim
7. Anda akan mendapatkan kode unik ,
Buat sebuah postingan di blog anda (jangan lupa di publish) agar spider/robot technorati bisa melacak keberadaan kode/token tersebut.
Klik tombol verify claim token
Bersabarlah menunggu hingga blog anda di verify.
Perlu diingat jika pada bagian My Claimed blog (lihat gambar langkah 6) muncul pesan di bawah ini:
We could not find the claim token in any posts in your feed. Please make sure that you have entered it correctly in a post body and that the token appears in the feed whose URL you have given us
berarti postingan yang berisi kode verify belum terindeks di feed, tunggu hingga postingan anda terindeks di feed, atau anda salah memasukkan url feed saat mendaftar.
Setelah terindeks di feed blog bisa lakukan klaim ulang.
Jika muncul pesan berikut  
We have successfully crawled your blog and found the claim token, and your claim is now awaiting review
berarti   blog anda sudah melewati tahap verifikasi, selanjutnya hanya menunggu review dari tehnorati, jika lolos review maka blog anda akan terdaftar di technorati.

Tentang Google Sitemap

Secara umum, ada dua jenis Sitemaps.
1. jenis sitemap untuk halaman HTML yang berisi daftar halaman situs anda , dan dimaksudkan untuk membantu pengguna menemukan informasi yang mereka butuhkan.
2. XML Sitemaps - Sitemaps biasanya diaktifkan dengan script yang anda peroleh dari google sitemap kemudian dipasang ke template website anda - adalah salah satu cara bagi Anda untuk memberikan informasi tentang situs anda ke Google.
Dalam hal sederhana, Sitemap adalah daftar halaman di situs Web Anda. Membuat dan mengajukan Sitemap membantu memastikan bahwa Google mengetahui tentang semua halaman di situs Anda, termasuk URL yang mungkin tidak terpantau oleh Google secara normal.
Sitemap sangat membantu jika:
* Situs Anda memiliki konten dinamis.
* Situs Anda memiliki halaman web yang tidak mudah ditemukan oleh Googlebot selama proses jelajah pada situs anda - misalnya, halaman yang kaya akan grafis atau Flash. * Situs baru dan memiliki beberapa link ke halaman lain. (Googlebot menjelajahi web berikut dari satu link ke halaman lain, jadi jika website anda tidak terhubung dengan baik, mungkin akan sulit bagi googlebot untuk menemukannya.)
* Situs anda memiliki arsip konten halaman yang besar, yang tidak terhubung dengan baik satu sama lain, atau tidak terhubung sama sekali.
Anda juga dapat menggunakan Sitemap ke Google dengan memberikan informasi tambahan tentang halaman anda, termasuk:
* Seberapa sering sebuah halaman di situs anda berubah. Misalnya, Anda dapat memperbarui halaman posting perminggu, tetapi memperbarui halaman "About Me" halaman hanya sekali setiap beberapa bulan.
* Tanggal setiap halaman terakhir dimodifikasi.
* Pengaturan bobot (prioritas) halaman di situs anda pada googlebot. Misalnya, Anda mungkin memiliki halaman home yang diberi bobot 1.0 oleh Googlebot, halaman kategori memiliki bobot 0,8, dan setiap entri blog atau halaman produk memiliki bobot 0,5. Prioritas ini hanya menunjukkan pentingnya tertentu URL dengan URL lainnya di situs Anda, dan tidak mempengaruhi peringkat pada halaman hasil pencarian.
Sitemap memberikan informasi tambahan mengenai situs anda ke Google, Situs tidak pernah dikenakan sanksi karena mengirimkan Sitemap.
Google mematuhi Sitemap Protokol 0,9 seperti yang didefinisikan oleh The Sitemap Protocol adalah istilah dari XML Sitemap untuk rangkuman informasi yang relevan dengan web crawlers. Sitemap dibuat untuk Google menggunakan Sitemap Protocol 0,9 karena itu kompatibel dengan mesin pencari lainnya yang mengadopsi standar
Sementara standar Sitemap bekerja untuk sebagian besar situs, Anda juga dapat membuat dan mengirimkan Sitemap khusus untuk beberapa jenis searchengine. Google Sitemap format ini adalah khusus untuk search engine google dan tidak digunakan oleh mesin pencari lainnya. Google sitemap merupakan salahsatu metode yang digunakan para webmaster untuk optimasi SEO.

Friday, 15 May 2009

Mengumpulkan dollar gratis dari Ad Depot

Mengumpulkan dollar gratis dari Ad Depot. Bagi anda yang ingin mengumpulkan dollar di internet. Bisa manfaatkan program afilliasi dari Ad Depot. Anda akan dibayar jika ada pengunjung yang mengunjungi situs Ad Depot setelah mengklik link yang anda pasang di blog.
Besarnya dollar yang akan anda peroleh adalah :
a. $0.01 per klik unik.
b. bonus pendaftaran (sig up) sebesar $2.
c. Penghasilan tambahan anda bisa anda dapatkan dengan menggunakan link atau banner yang tersedia di dalam list Material Marketing, banner tersebut adalah banner dari situs yang menjadi member Ad Depot
Penghasilan anda bisa dicairkan setelah mencapai $25 (pembayaran melalui cek atau paypal).
Apabila tertarik untuk mengikuti bisa klik link di bawah:
1. Klik tombol Sign Up
2. Isi Form Pendaftaran
Ada beberapa hal penting pada form yang harus diisi:
1. Username
2. password
3. email
4. Check payable to : (isi dengan nama anda, karena nanti check akan dikirim atas nama yang anda cantumka disini)
5. Website : masukkan url blog anda
6. Tax ID : masukkan nomor ktp atau kartu identitas lain
7. Pada bagian personal information, masukkan alamat dan no telp anda
8. Pada bagian optional Paypal Payment (bisa kosongkan saja, jika ingin pembayaran via cek)
9. masukkan kode captcha
10. klik tombol "Create my account"
Email verifikasi akan dikirim ke email anda, untuk megaktifkan, buka email anda dan klik link activation yang ada di email anda, anda akan diarahkan ke halaman login
3. Untuk login ke member area
Masukkan username dan password
klik Login
4. Setelah berada dalam member area, anda bisa mengambil link yang bisa digunakan untuk affiliasi, Pada Vertical menu pilih" Tier Linking Code" , link ini akan mengarah ke home Ad Depot.
5. Selain add depot, anda juga bisa menggunakan link atau banner website yang tergabung dalam group Ad Depot. Ada beberapa link yang bisa anda copy dan pasang di blog anda (di postingan , sidebar atau di footer) atau kirim ke email teman untuk ajak bergabung di ad depot.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Mengubah gambar folder-thumbnails folder windows explore

Mengubah gambar folder-thumbnails folder windows explorer. Mungkin ada diantara teman-teman yang pernah mengaktifkan mode thumbnails pada windows explorer. Secara default jika di dalam folder tersebut berisi file gambar, maka windows secara default akan menampilkan 4 buah gambar di tampilan thumbnail foldernya. Anda bisa mengubahnya dengan memilih salah satu gambar di dalam folder tersebut untuk dijadikan gambar (thumbnail) folder.
Apabila tertarik, di bawah ini adalah cara ubah gambar yang tampil pada folder / thumbnails folder di windows explorer:
1. Aktifkan mode thumbnails , pada toolbar pilih Thumbnails
2. Tampilan foldernya akan berubah seperti di bawah ini
3. Kemudian untuk mengubah thumbnails, klik kanan pada folder yang akan diubah gambarnya
4. Setelah itu pilih Tab Customize, klik tombol "Choose Picture"
5. Pilih gambar yang akan digunakan
Klik tombol Open
6. gambar akan berubah
Selanjutnya Klik Apply , klik OK
7. Pada saat anda membuka windows explorer maka folder yang telah dikustomise tersebut akan berubah seperti di bawah ini
Silahkan dicoba artikel komputer di atas pada komputer anda.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Uang gratis dari

Sambil melakukan kegiatan browsing, blogging, dll, Anda bisa mengumpulkan duit receh di internet. Mungkin dengan mengikuti porgram gratis dari
Untuk mendaftar anda tidak perlu membayar (alias gratis).
Cara kerja dari program adalah anda hanya perlu mengajak 10 orang untuk bergabung di,dan anda akan diberi KOMISI sebesar Rp.25,- untuk setiap orang yang anda Rekrut, dan Rp.25,- lagi untuk setiap orang yang direkrut oleh jaringan anda hingga 7 Level Dibawah anda.
Jika anda berhasil mengajak 10 orang, dan masing-masing downline anda mengajak 10 orang lagi, dan seterusnya, maka anda bisa mendapat ratusan juta rupiah. Untuk mencairkan uang yang anda peroleh bisa dilakukan setelah saldo anda mencapa 100 ribu.
MATRIX Downline
KOMISI ditiap Level (Rp )
KOMISI Per level (Rp )
# 1 10 x @Rp.25,- Rp.250,-
# 2 10x10 x @Rp.25,- Rp.2.500,-
# 3 10x10x10 x @Rp.25,- Rp.25.000,-
# 4 10x10x10x10 x @Rp.25,- Rp.250.000,-
# 5 10x10x10x10x10 x @Rp.25,- Rp.2.500.000,-
# 6 10x10x10x10x10x10 x @Rp.25,- Rp.25.000.000,-
# 7 10x10x10x10x10x10x10 x @Rp.25,- Rp.250.000.000,-
Ada beberapa kelebihan dari sistem yang digunakan yaitu penggabungan Water Flow Randomizer (WFR), Water Flow Spill Over (WFSO) jadi bisa mempercepat memenuhi matriks member di atas.
Water Flow Randomizer (WFR),
Sistem inilah yang bekerja memberikan keuntungan bagi Anda tanpa henti 24 jam penuh selamanya. Saat ada pengunjung akan mendaftar dan memasuki website TANPA SPONSOR, Maka Otomatis Sistem akan melakukan Randomizer (pengacakan) terhadap Seluruh Member untuk dijadikan sponsor / Upline. Sistem randomizer akan mendahulukan member yang belum punya downline atau punya downline paling sedikit, serta jika terdapat beberapa member yang sama-sama belum punya downline maka sistem akan memilih member yang join paling dahulu untuk dijadikan Sponsor. Ibarat Aliran Air (water flow), maka randomizer ini akan mengalir kebawah dulu.
Water Flow Spill Over (WFSO),
Saat Matrix dari member terpenuhi (Telah mencapai 10 Downline) maka (Kelebihan) Downline berikutnya Secara otomatis, sistem akan melakukan Spill Over (limpahan) kebawah jaringannya. Sistem akan menelusuri jaringan yang belum mendapat downline sama sekali atau yang mempunyai downline paling sedikit untuk diberi Spill Over (limpahan). Jika jaringan sama-sama masih belum punya downline atau jumlah downlinenya sama, maka sistem akan mencari yang Join terlebih dahulu pada web ini untuk diberi Spill Over. Ibarat Aliran Air (water flow), maka Spill Over ini akan mengalir kebawah dulu.
Ketika mendaftar, pada saat login ke member area anda akan mendapatkan url pribadi. Gunakan URL Pribadi anda ( ) untuk merekrut, karena sipapun yang mendaftar melalui URL tersebut secara otomatis akan masuk dalam jaringan anda. Anda hanya perlu mengajak teman anda bisa melalui link yg anda pasang di blog atau via email, dll.
Untuk mendaftar silahkan klik disini
Setelah halaman komisi gratis terbuka, Dia bagian menu pilih Daftar
Kemudian klik tombol "Daftar Sekarang"
Isi Formulir pendaftaran
Klik tombol " Klik Daftar"
Apabila diminta konfirmasi via email, maka buka email yang anda cantumkan dalam pendaftaran
Klik link konfirmasi yang ada
Kemudian anda bisa masuk ke member area untuk mengambil link (url pribadi) yang akan anda gunakan untuk promosi

Monday, 11 May 2009

Mendaftar blog (website) ke google sitemap

Beberapa fasilitas Google Webmaster tools yang dapat anda gunakan secara gratis adalah Google Analityc dan Google Sitemap . Google Sitemap akan berguna untuk membantu Googlebot (robot google) dalam mengetahui (menjelajahi) semua halaman di situs Anda, sehingga memudahkan google mengindeks semua halaman di situs anda. Salah satu teknik SEO yang dianjurkan adalah mendaftarkan blog ke sitemap (google webmaster tools).
Dalam membuat google sitemap di blogger diperlukan beberapa tahapan.
Untuk mendaftarkan blog ke google sitemap klik disini
(catatan: anda bisa daftar blog di googlesitemap setelah anda daftar blog di google dan terindeks oleh google)
1. masukkan password dan user name google account (sama dengan google account blog anda)
2. Setelah berhasil login, akan muncul halaman dashboard Google sitemap

3. Masukkan url blog anda :
Klik tombol Add Site

4. Klik Verify your site

5. Akan muncul halaman berikut
Pada bagian "choose verification method" pilih "Add a meta tag"

6. Akan muncul script meta tag (lihat panah merah)
Script tersebut anda copy ke template blog anda

7. Login ke account blog anda
Pilih Dashboard -> tata letak -> Edit html
Centang Expand template widget
Masukkan script google sitemap setelah head dan sebelum tittle blog (sesuai anjuran google)
pasang script google sitemap disini
hasil scriptnya sperti berikut
<meta content='RBpPtBYjErQbhxgO3N+uY4IkmSeDchwXpuk3CH+i1II=' name='verify-v1'/>
Klik tombol Simpan Template

8. Kembali ke halaman google sitemap (lihat langkah 6)
Klik tombol Verify
Jika sukses maka akan muncul pesan sukses berikut.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Menghasilkan dollar gratis dari SponsoredReviews

Menghasilkan dollar gratis dari SponsoredReviews. Mungkin ada teman yang telah mengikuti program PTR (Paid To Revew) seperti Ciao. Jika di Ciao setelah diterima bergabung di situs Ciao maka anda bebas memilih produk yang akan anda review dan harga per review telah ditentukan oleh Ciao. Jika di PTR SponsoredReview maka anda bisa memilih kategori produk yang akan direview, kemudian menunggu hingga ada advertiser yang ingin produknya anda review. Pemberitahuan tersebut akan dikirim ke email anda. Pembayaran penghasilan anda bisa dikirim ke paypal atau cek.
Apabila belum mempunyai rekening paypal anda bisa daftar disini
Anda dapat mendaftar di SponsoredReviews dengan jumlah blog yang tidak terbatas, selama blog anda memenuhi persyaratan minimum. Blog harus unik dan tidak mirip satu sama lain.
Persyaratan minimum agar blog yang akan diterima
* Blog Anda harus berisi minimal 10 posting dengan 200 kata setiap konten yang unik.
* Blog Anda tidak boleh muncul sepenuhnya otomatis atau dibuat hanya untuk mesin pencari lalu lintas.
* Blog Anda harus memiliki setidaknya 3:1 rasio konten gratis (non komersial) dan konten dibayar.
* Anda harus melengkapi semua tinjauan diterima dalam waktu 7 hari.
* Blog Anda harus memiliki minimal jumlah link masuk dan memenuhi syarat untuk lalu lintas.
* Blog Anda harus memiliki tampilan yang profesional.
* Jika blog anda berbahasa Indonesia maka postingan review ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris
Selain anda mendapatkan penghasilan dari review, maka anda juga bisa memperoleh penghasilan dengan mengikuti program affiliasi dari sponsoredreviews. Anda akan dibayar setiap ada user baru yang anda referensikan untuk dan mendaftar di sponsoredreviews.
Apabila anda berminat bisa daftar disini