1 Dominating mentality
Some people may have dominating mentality, and they suppress others. They will not allow others to do anything and they take all initiative. This is selfishness and a wrong notion. This type of attitude is a black mark to your personality Try not to be a dominating character.
2 Unnecessary worries
People used to worry about unnecessary things in their life. This type of thinking causes more stress to your mind and we can’t be happy in our life. Instead of worrying you must be able to solve it, then only you can achieve success in your life. This unnecessary worry is merely a waste of time and energy.
3 Arguments
This type of people argues for every thing and they achieve what they want. With their argument they can keep others dump. Arguing with others is not at all suitable for a good personality. Considering this as your weakness and try to change it.
4 Estimate your strength and weakness
You must know about your strength and weakness Wrong estimation of your strength and weakness some times cause heavy losses in your career
5 Avoid worrying about silly matters
Don’t give more importance to the silly matters. Some people used to worry for silly matters in their life. Giving importance and showing interest in silly matters is a waste of time which is of no use to us. Try to give up worrying of silly matters in your life, as it causes unhappiness in your life.
6 Egoism
Some people will be egoistic and they will think of them selves. They think I know very thing and I don’t want others advise. This is one of the dangerous personality disorders that you have to change. Egoistic people can’t be more close to anything always clash will be there. For them it is easy to get enemity.
7 Depressions
Some people will easily get depressed if they face any hard situation in their life. This depression spoil the balance of our mind and causes unhappiness in life.
8 Shyness
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