Give proper self introduction: Always give a proper introduction before starting your presentation. Tell them your name, about the subject that you are going to present in front of them. So always open your speech with self introduction.
Keep eye contact: While you deliver your speech pay attention to each and every one who sits in front of you. Don’t stare at floor or at the ceiling. If you do so the audiences loose their interest in you and they will under estimate you. In order to give them a notion that you are giving special attention to each and every person tries to keep a good eye contact with them.
Keep a smile on your face: When you talk try to talk with smile. If you speak very seriously the audience cannot listen your speech for a long time. In order to make your presentation natural keep a smile on your face. Why to hesitate to smile? Smile is a good exercise for the muscles and the nerves on your face. Moreover smile has the power to make the atmosphere lively. If you present with a beautiful on your face, it makes the audience energetic and enthusiastic.
Move around the audience: Don’t stick to one place. If you have more place to walk move here and there. It helps you to reduce your tension and also make your presentation lively. Think that the platform is yours and walk freely. So the whole audience can see you and feel your presence.
Get well prepared for your presentation: You must be well prepared before you deliver your speech. If any audience asks you any doubts you must have the ability to give proper answer for the question. So you require well preparation. If you give excellent answer, they feel good about you and also feel respect to you. Take sufficient time and necessary resources to get well prepared.
Use audio visual aids: Make your presentation more attractive by using audio-video aids. If you use such equipments the audience will be very interested to listen your speech. It helps to make the class more interesting and also you get the relaxation form your long speech.
Select the topics that you are familiar with. You feel more comfortable while you deliver the speech.Eventhogh the topic is familiar with you; you have to do lots of work to make your presentation perfect.
Before you go to sleep visualize yourself giving the speech in a better way. This will help you to perform effectively. Always start your presentation with full enthusiasm and maintain it through out your speech.
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