Today’s fast growing world problem solving skill is one of the essential skills that every one must have. If we can solve the problem effectively we feel good about our self moreover we get appreciation from others. Some problems are very easy to handle but there are certain problems which require creative and practical approach. The person who is capable of using these practical and creative approaches to solve a problem always will be an asset to any organization.
Improving your creative problem solving skill is equal to exercising. Just like a person who wants to reduce his weight and strengthen his muscle, the creative problem solver also has to strengthen his mental muscles to solve problems effectively. Lots of ways are there to practice this, and every person should use different sources into their thinking method to achieve their objectives. Following are some of the useful tips to improve your creative problem solving skill.
1. Every problem has solutions. The first and foremost thing to enhance your creative problem solving skill is to understand that solutions are available for all kind of problems.
2. Give yourself some space to think. We all can work better if we give some place to think. Make some place in your garden, room, workplace or else some other place where you are comfortable to think. This must be a location that induces creative thinking. Make use of such places not only when you require problem solved, but also when you wish to be more enthusiastic before a hectic task.
3. Always ask some question how I can solve the problem? Where I can get the suitable solutions? Asking this type of question enables you to solve the problems. It also makes you to think broadly and give new ideas for solving your problems.
4. Open mind and free thinking is the great way to enhance your creative problem solving skill. This allows you to be frank and think widely to get innovative solution.
5. Make a note of all the possible solutions. Choose one solution among them and analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of the solution. After verifying the solutions select which solution is effective and then apply that solution. If you are in a group you may feel unease and anxiety to reveal your idea or thoughts. Every one in the group must ensure that all thoughts are welcome even if it is awkward. Even though it may look like foolish, but sometimes this foolish is just what you require to get the appeal of your target audience.
In this rapidly growing world creative problem solving is a fabulous asset. Due to the lack of time and creative thinking some people select the first solution that comes in their mind, sometimes it may not be reasonable. The creative solution gratifies not only the present problem but the other problem that may happen in the future. Using the above tips one can improve their creative problem solving skill.
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