Your behavior must be attractive and impressive for getting a good work atmosphere inside your office. With your behavior itself you can create an excellent work atomsphere.Even other colleague’s approach to you also will be depends upon your behavior .A bad behavior itself can spoil a good work atmospheres. Try to keep up a good behavior that can attract everyone. That’s why good communication skill, working in a team, group discussion are playing an important roles in achieving an excellent jobs. For enhancing your personality and also getting good impression from others you must behave well with superiors in your office. Officers may have different personalities and you must have the ability to tackle these different personalities.
Tips for achieving good behavior:
1 You should not share all your personal matters with your superiors and at the same time not good to ask their openion, advice, or solution for your personal problems. Some times you can not accept their opinions or suggestions or else you have to act in accordance with their advice and opinion, which may bring more problems to you. Better don't share anything and find out a solution by yourself.
2 Don't tell anything about your property or money matters and also about your debts to your superiors. Better keep it as a secret with you.
3 Don't spread any rumors about your colleagues and also keep yourself away from the rumors that are spreading inside your office by others.
4 Solve all your doubts or problems then and then by discussing with your colleagues or superiors. If it is not possible bring them to the notice of officer and he can settle the matters in group meeting.
5 Try to do your works very dedicatedly and sincerely so that you can impress your officers with your performance.
6 Don't give a chance for quarreling or misunderstanding among your colleagues.
7 Avoid giving promises to others that are beyond your capacity to do as it is a black mark on your good name gained by you.
8 If you face any physical or mental problem better let them know it, to avoid developing wrong impression about you. Other wise it affects your work badly and the officer will not be satisfied with your work. Try to be honest in your words and deeds to enhance your behavior as well as your personality.
9 Observe keenly how your officer is handling all the official duties as it helps you in handling the office matters.
You should know how to talk and also how to behave according to time and place. If so, you can be away from all kinds of problems not only in your personal life but in your work place also.
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