Personality is a mixture of our thoughts and feelings. Every one has their own personality and each ones character is different from one another. Personality is determined by three factors like hereditary factors, psychological factors and social and cultural factors. After the death of a person his personality is influenced by his social factors. It includes home, school, culture and social roles.
Every one has certain characteristic that are present at birth. some may have inborn talent like talent for singing, dancing , writing etc. these talent makes him to stand apart from others. There are many environmental factors that help to shape our personality . A person spends most of his time with his family--among the family members. The rearing of children affects the development of various traits in children. Proper parenting guides them in a better way. It is their duty to protect, instruct and restrict their child in a proper way. Teacher also plays an important role in personality development. It is the teacher who decides the future of a child. A teacher can make a child better and at the same time worst .There is some relationship between society and personality development. To develop his personality the child should be a part of the society. If he keeps himself aloof from the society, no one can identify him. He should contribute something to the society, and then only people will consider him as a good person. Culture also influences the personality. Each culture has its own distinctive way of conduct and it largely affects the shaping of the personality.
Here are some tips to follow
Maintain a healthy relation ship with family
Try to maintain a healthy relationship with your family. You have to learn more things from the family and it helps you to behave properly with others. Your entire attitude to others depends upon your relationship with your family
Basic faith
You must develop a basic faith among yourself and among your family. A healthy family relationship helps you to get basic trust. It is very much essential to develop your personality.
Experience of success
Success always helps a person to develop a healthy personality. It also helps them to achieve their goals with confidence. So you must have the experience of success in your life.
Make new acquaintances
Try to develop your acquaintances with people it helps you to get more ideas about how to develop your personality.
Express your emotions
Expressing your emotions help you to reduce your tension and make your mind free from worries. It also helps you to establish healthy relationship with others.
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