Blogger templates


Thursday, 29 January 2009

Cara mengetahui jumlah backlink blog anda


Jika anda inin mengetahui sudah berapa jumlah backlink blog anda. Bisa gunakan situs Link Checker v2.0 Beta berikut : disini anda bisa tahu situs apa saja yang telah memberikan link ke blog anda.Pemakaiannya sangat mudah, anda hanya perlu memasukkan url blog kemudian tekan tombol Check My Link, maka Link Checker akan memproses kemudian menampilkan semua backlink blog anda.
Jika tertarik bisa langsung coba langsung klik disini Link checker
Kelemahan tools di atas data backlink yang terdeteksi  terkadang berbeda dengan backlink yang valid atau memenuhi kualitas google , bing atau yahoo. Masing-masing search engine memiliki kriteria tertentu untuk menentukan backlink yang dianggap berkualitas dan layak dimasukkan dalam perhitungan ranking blog.

How to prepare a good Resume?

A good resume must provide the all essential details about you, with just a one go through of it. So, a good resume must fulfil the aspects of your personal details and professional details. There are so many aspects to be considered while preparing your resume. Give importance to each and every detail that you are going to write in your resume. Let’s now see the basic criteria and components of a good resume and also about how to write a good resume.

The first important point that has to be considered while writing the resume is the size of the resume. The maximum length of your resume could be just 2 pages. Try to furnish all your important information’s within 2 pages. Don’t prepare a resume like an essay having 4 to 5 page, this may create unease to the persons those who read your resume.

Another important aspect that has to be considered while writing a resume will be usage of simple terms to describe your details. Use small sentences in your resume and avoid lengthy paragraphs in your resume.

There are many formats and methods for writing a resume. Follow them while writing your resume. Use a neat format for your resume. Avoid unnecessary decorations like highlighting, using italics, using tables etc in your resume.

So, keep these tips in mind while preparing your resume. Your resume must just contain details including your work experience, educational qualifications, additional qualifications, strengths, extra curricular achievements. In case of your personal details give your correct postal address, telephone number and email address. While writing your educational details begin from you’re under graduation and proceed with your master’s degree. There is no need to provide details about your schoolings. Mention if you have won any honours. Give details about your projects and also end your resume with details of few references.

Reasons for Rejecting the Resume

Every day most of the companies receive more than hundred resumes. Hence there are lots of chances to reject your resume if it not eye appealing. You must make certain that your resume gets the consideration it deserves. Understand the reason why resumes get rejected and try to avoid committing mistakes in your resume. Take a look at the following points:

 Resumes are lengthy

 Unappealing presentation

 Paying more attention on content than on appearance

 Dull and tedious

 Several dissimilar typefaces

 Use of fancy fonts or characters.

 Insufficient information

 Grammatical and spelling errors

 Resumes with no cover letters
Bear in mind to make an instant impact, which is rooted in important information that holds up you as a grave applicant. Consider the aforesaid points while you create your resume. Try to be truthful and optimistic.

How to Create a Complete Resume

Creating a complete resume is not so hard, only thing his we have place all your details in your resume that will be really a valuable points for career growth. And don’t create a resume as your life history .Add the points wherever necessary and useful. Your resume content should be occupying at least one page long.

The most important thing in resume is adding your complete contact information in your resume. And make a note that in your resume wherever you type your name put your full name in your resume and if your resume extent to more than one page type your full name on the top of the page. Add your percentage in your resume. And don’t extend your resume too long.

Start your resume with the your education background including your percentage. Add your extra qualification to your resume. If you are experienced add that very strong .If you have done any achievement in your previous company don’t forget to add that in your resume.

When you are going for the interview first the resume only tells about you before you appear .eg: if there is one vacancy in particular company they will be having 100 of resume with them who applied for the job, in that they will select only few resume which is seem to best for them. If your resume is fully completed and the best then your resume will be selected .for the interview. So only the resume should be best then you.

Before producing your resume check your resume is fully completed and it is in a perfect manner with the resume experts two or 10 times. Refresh and edit your resume if any changes in your resume. Prepare a resume according to your career. Create your resume in a professional manner. At last of your resume you can add some reference if you need, if it really gives an additional value to your resume. When you are going for the interview write the present date on the resume.

If you have participated in any of your school activities you can also that in your resume. And also what kind of position your searching in your career with your goals and achievements. Before you type a resume you do research on yourself, organize and then type and also recollect all the information what you have to add in your resume and start to prepare.

Side Heading for Resume

The heading on your resume creates the good impression on you. The information that you can add is your name since it is presumably Concern thing in your resume. And write your full name in your resume. Put your name in block letters. Place your name on every page of your resume. After your name probably its come to your addresses, it is very important because it is the only thing to communicate to you after your interview anyhow in every company we cannot expect the result of our interview on the same day. Some of them will send through courier the result.

Another easy way is your phone number most of the company will communicate through your contact number for result or even their first round of the interview itself will be only through phone that is mentioned as telephonic interview. Even if you have two or three contact number try to mention all your contact number in your resume. And never take for granted one that calls will be circumspect actions on your intercession. And another important thing is your e-mail addresses

In some of the company they will schedule your interview time and date only through the e-mail. And if you are selected for the interview they will send the offer letter also through your e –mail so, don’t forget to mention your e-mail in the resume.

Your education qualification you start this with the priority degree .Put the strong educational background in resume. Bespeak your area of specialization in resume .If that is need to them they will hire you for the interview immediately. Add your education percentage also in your resume.

They are so many ideas and new things to present the information as the side heading in resume some of them will place the phone number at the right side of the resume and some of them place the addresses at the side of the resume, some of them place their positive ness at the observable, to the company. Before submitting your resume see to that whether you have given all your information correctly.

And if you have any experience in any previous company put experience background very strong and if you have done any achievement you can add in this, if it is really a valid and useful to your interview. Please don’t add more on your personal information such as specifying your height or weight your likes, dislikes etc. And another main heading is objective. This objective division is a very basic slide in the resume. It speaks out what exact job you are searching for. If you use the appropriate and correct words in it, it will really help you to get the job. Build the objective content with the favorable flow of words.

How to make Your Resume Impressive?

A well-set resume will really step the candidate into the interview. For the job seeker the interview only the first step in the job searching. For taking up you to the interview the resume plays the main role in the job search. Seeing your resume only they can arrange you the interview. So your resume should impress the interviewer while viewing your resume. The resume only will abstract your education background, work experience, goals, and achievements in your profile. It is the cornerstone for you to go toward the light of the interview. And if you do any small mistake in the resume it will drop you down from the interview.

Avoid doing mistakes in the resume the usual mistakes will the spelling mistakes and any meaningless words in resume it also have a chance to remove your resume for the interview. Presentation of resume is the vital part for the job searching. While typing your resume you make a note that you are using the proper margins and with suitable grammer. Allocate your resume in an m.s. Word, in the olden days the resume are written or typed in a white paper and it will be posted to the company. But now a days it is been mailed through the Internet so if it should be formatted correctly. If it is not formatted correctly it gives a different manner not in proper while receiver getting the mail from you.

While adding the words it should in professionalism then the interviewer will impresses on your resume. In the objective part add the key points, which is related to the job you are going for the interview. Because you will be eligible for different kinds of the industries but in each company they will require in some area of specialization so related to that, you change that part alone it doesn’t mean that you need to change the entire resume. If you have hope that your resume will not create an impression to the interviewer then obviously you can get the guidelines from the resume services or you can create your resume by a resume-writing experts. They will help you in creating a good well-versed resume to you. Use the font size in your resume normal and highlight some words in your resume that should be viewed by the interviewer. When you are applying to one post please watch closely that whether your skill matches for that position that you are going to apply.

Cara daftar blog di adsense di kumpulblogger untuk menghasilkan uang dari blog

Cara daftar blog di adsense di kumpulblogger untuk menghasilkan uang dari blog.AdSense adalah merupakan program kerjasama periklanan melalui media internet yang diselenggarakan penyedia layanan periklanan online. Melalui program periklanan AdSense, pemilik situs web atau blog yang telah mendaftar dan disetujui keanggotaannya diperbolehkan memasang unit iklan yang bentuk dan materinya telah ditentukan oleh penyedia layanan adsense di halaman web mereka. Pemilik situs web atau blog akan mendapatkan pemasukan berupa pembagian keuntungan dari penyedia adsense untuk setiap iklan yang diklik oleh pengunjung blog, yang dikenal sebagai sistem pay per click (ppc) atau bayar per klik.
Pada adsense lokal umumnya pemilik web dibayar berdasarkan pay per click. Pada google selain pay per click, juga ada layanan fasilitas pencarian (penelusuran).
Kumpulblogger merupakan salah satu penyedia layanan adsense lokal.Pada saat artikel ini saya buat sudah terdaftar 23070 Blogger / Publisher sudah ikut (bergabung) di Mungkin anda yang 23071. Anda dapat mengikuti bisnis online gratis ini (tanpa biaya pendaftaran), agar bisa menghasilkan uang dari blog.
Prosedur pendaftarannya bisa anda gunakan link berikut:
Daftar Kumpulblogger
Setelah muncul halaman berikut:
1. Pada bagian daftar baru , ketik email yang akan anda gunakan,
Masukkan kode capchta (contoh: darlings 112)
kemudian klik tombol Register
2. Buka email anda, kemudian klik link konfirmasi (aktivasi).
Pada kotak login masukkan email dan password
Anda akan masuk ke ruang registrasi, di bagian bawah item Blogger klik Tambah Blog untuk memunculkan form pendaftaran blog
3. Isi form pendaftaran blog, setelah terisi tekan tombol Submit
4. Sampai di sini, anda sudah melakukan pendaftaran blog. Anda harus menunggu hingga pihak kumpulblogger selesai melakukan verifikasi terhadap blog anda. Jika blog anda disetujui maka anda akan mendapat konfirmasi via email. Gunakan password yang diberikan untuk login sebagai member.
5. Setelah masuk ke menber area, akan muncul tampilan seperti langkah no 2. Pilih "Script Text Advertising untuk blog anda" atau "Script Mini Banner untuk blog anda"
Anda bisa mengcopy script yang anda pilih kemudian masukkan ke gadget html/javascript di sidebar, footer, atau bagian header blog anda.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Membuat gambar pribadi menjadi background windows explorer

Membuat gambar pribadi menjadi background windows explorer. Apabila anda menggunakan Windows XP, mungkin anda bisa mencoba trik berikut. Ini adalah salah satu trik untuk menampilkan gambar background windows explorer anda lebih berbeda dengan tampilan standar. Anda tidak perlu membutuhkan software tambahan untuk mengatur background windows explorer anda. Cukup dengan mengikuti langkah berikut:
1. Buka notepad anda
2. Copy code berikut ke notepad
PersistMoniker=file://Folder Settings\Folder.htt
Tulisan warna hijau (gambarkucing) boleh anda ganti dengan nama gambar yang akan digunakan, Catatan: Nama gambar tidak boleh dipisah dengan spasi.
3. Setelah itu save file tersebut dengan nama desktop, extension ini (desktop.ini)
(Keterangan: pada bagian "Save as type" pilih All Files, agar file desktop.ini tidak menjadi file txt)
4. Kemudian simpan file desktop ini ke direktori yang akan diubah backgroundnya. (harus diingat bahwa gambar anda dan desktop.ini, harus dalam folder atau drive yang sama)
Dalam contoh ini saya menempatkan pada drive C
5. Setelah semua file tercopy, klik kanan pada window bagian kanan windows explorer, pilih Refresh.
6. Jika sukses, maka tampilan background akan berubah seperti di bawah ini
Metode ini dapat anda terapkan pada drive yang lain,juga pada flash disk anda
Seandainya anda tidak suka dengan adanya tampilan background, cukup hapus kedua file di atas (gambarkucing.jpg dan desktop.ini) untuk mengembalikan ke kondisi standar.
Apabila ingin mendownload file "desktop.ini" , bisa didownload disini

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Mengoptimalkan aplikasi multimedia menggunakan K-lite codec

Mengoptimalkan aplikasi multimedia menggunakan K-lite codec. Apabila anda ingin meningkatkan kemampuan aplikasi multimedia dalam membaca file-file multimedia, maka anda dapat menggunakan codec gratisan berikut. Cukup install maka secara otomatis aplikasi windows media player lebih maksimal dalam mengenali file-file fomat video dan audio.
Pada saat artikel ini saya buat telah ada release K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 4.4.2
Rincian feature dari K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 4.4.2 :
• Player:
- Media Player Classic [version rev. 86]
- Media Player Classic Home Cinema [version 1.1.904]
• ffdshow:
- ffdshow [revision 2364]
- ffdshow VFW interface
- extra plugins
• DirectShow video decoding filters:
- XviD [version 1.2.0 build 2008-01-10]
- DivX [version 6.8.5]
- On2 VP6 [version]
- On2 VP7 [version]
- MPEG-2 (Cyberlink) [version]
- MPEG-2 (Gabest) [version]
- MPEG-1 (MainConcept) [version]
• DirectShow audio decoding filters:
- AC3/DTS/LPCM (AC3Filter) [version 1.51a]
- Vorbis (CoreVorbis) [version]
- AAC (MONOGRAM) [version]
• DirectShow audio parsers:
- MusePack (MONOGRAM) [version |]
- WavPack (CoreWavPack) [version 1.1.1]
- FLAC (madFLAC) [version 1.8]
- Monkey's Audio (DCoder) [version 1.0]
- OptimFROG (RadLight) [version]
- DC-Bass Source [version 1.2.0]
- AC3/DTS Source (AC3File) [version 0.5b]
- AMR (MONOGRAM) [version]
• DirectShow source filters:
- AVI splitter (Gabest) [version]
- AVI splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [version]
- MP4 splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [version]
- MP4 splitter (Gabest) [version]
- Matroska splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [version]
- Matroska splitter (Gabest) [version]
- Ogg splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [version]
- Ogg splitter (Gabest) [version]
- MPEG PS/TS splitter (Gabest) [version]
- MPEG PS/TS splitter (Haali Media Splitter) [version]
- FLV splitter (Gabest) [version]
- CDXA Reader (Gabest) [version]
• DirectShow subtitle filter:
- DirectVobSub (a.k.a. VSFilter) [version 2.39]
- DirectVobSub (a.k.a. VSFilter) [version 2.33]
• Other filters:
- Haali Video Renderer [version]
• VFW video codecs:
- XviD [version 1.2.0 build 2008-01-10]
- DivX [version 6.8.5]
- x264 [revision 1032]
- On2 VP6 [version]
- On2 VP7 [version]
- Intel Indeo 4 [version]
- Intel Indeo 5 [version 5.2562.15.54]
- Intel I.263 [version]
- huffyuv [version 2.1.1 CCE Patch 0.2.5]
- YV12 (Helix) [version 1.2]
• ACM audio codecs:
- MP3 (Fraunhofer) [version]
- MP3 (LAME) [version 3.98.2]
- AC3ACM [version 1.4]
- Vorbis [version]
- DivX ;) Audio [version]
• Real Alternative:
- RealMedia codecs [version]
- RealMedia plugin for Internet Explorer
- RealMedia plugin for Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape/Opera/Chrome
- RealMedia DirectShow splitter [version]
• Tools:
- Codec Tweak Tool [version 2.2.9]
- GSpot Codec Information Appliance [version 2.70a]
- MediaInfo Lite [version]
- VobSubStrip [version 0.11]
- GraphStudio []
- Haali Muxer
- FourCC Changer
- Bitrate Calculator
Untuk mendownload bisa gunakan link berikut:

Monday, 26 January 2009

Cara memasang iklan (adsense lokal) ke blog gratis

Cara memasang iklan (adsense lokal) ke blog gratis. Bagi yang masih pemula seperti saya dan blog anda berbahasa Indonesia, saya sarankan jika ingin menambah iklan untuk sementara sebaiknya menggunakan atau memasang iklan adsense PPC lokal untuk menghasilkan uang dari blog gratis. 
selain menambahkan iklan ppc lokal, maka anda bisa juga menambahkan iklan adsense dari google (google aadsense). Apabila anda menggunakan adsense dari google, jika blog anda berbahasa Indonesia maka anda bisa menambah adsense penelusuran dan adsense feed. 
Apabila Adsense lokal proses pendaftaran cukup sederhana dan klaim penghasilannya cukup dengan menggunakan rekening bank. Sangat cocok buat blooger pemula yang ingin bergelut dalam bisnis online gratis. 
Beberapa adsense yang dapat anda gunakan adalah: 
1. Kumpulblogger 
2. AdsenseCamp 
3. AdSpeedy 
4. PPCIndo 
5. Klik saya 
6. Biindit 
7. Feed Google Adsense 
Panduan pendaftarannya bisa dilihat disini 
Kumpul Blogger 
Perbandingan dari beberapa adsense diatas: 
1. KumpulBlogger 
Pendaftarannya mudah, syaratnya anda harus punya minimal 10 postingan. 
Anda akan dibayar sekitar 300/klik unik 
Pembayaran penghasilan (komisi) ditransfer ke rekening bank setelah penghasilan 50.000 
2. Adsensecamp 
Pendaftarannya mudah, syaratnya anda harus punya minimal 10 postingan. 
Anda akan dibayar sekitar 300/klik unik 
Pembayaran penghasilan (komisi) ditransfer ke rekening bank setelah penghasilan 50.000 
3. Adspeedy 
Pendaftarannya mudah, syaratnya anda harus punya minimal 10 postingan. 
Anda akan dibayar sekitar 200/klik unik , dan 0,5 per impressi (tergantung keyword)
Pembayaran penghasilan (komisi) ditransfer ke rekening bank setelah penghasilan 50.000 
4. PPC Indo 
Pendaftarannya mudah, syaratnya anda harus punya minimal 10 postingan. 
Anda akan dibayar sekitar $0.1 - 0.3/klik unik (tergantung alexa rank) 
Pembayaran penghasilan (komisi) ditransfer ke rekening bank setelah penghasilan $10 
5. Klik saya 
Syarat pendaftarannya, minimal page view atau kunjungan 10.000/bulan 
Anda akan dibayar sekitar 250 - 400 /klik (tergantung keyword) 
Pembayaran penghasilan (komisi) ditransfer ke rekening bank setelah penghasilan 50.000 
6. Biindit 
Pendaftarannya mudah, syaratnya anda harus punya minimal 10 postingan. 
Anda akan dibayar sekitar Rp.200-400/klik unik , dan Rp.0,5 per impressi (tergantung keyword) 
Pembayaran penghasilan (komisi) ditransfer ke rekening bank 
Adsense lokal di atas dapat anda gunakan untuk menghasilkan uang  menggunakan blog di internet sebagai pengganti biaya akses internet. Penghasilan yang anda peroleh bersumber dari hasil klik terhadap iklan yang dilakukan oleh user blog anda. Sekarang anda hanya perlu melakukan pendaftaran ke situs mereka, kemudian daftar sebagai publisher, setelah disetujui oleh penyedia adsense maka anda akan mendapat konfirmasi melalui email yang anda gunakan saat mendaftar adsense. Setelah itu anda masuk ke situs mereka sebagai publisher kemudian anda akan melakukan prosedur tertentu untuk mendapatkan script html/javascript yang dapat anda paste ke sidebar dengan menggunakan gadget html/javascript.

Mengcapture tampilan di desktop menggunakan printscreen

Mengcapture tampilan di desktop menggunakan printscreen. Windows mempunyai fasilitas sederhana untuk mengcapture (screenshot) atau merekam tampilan di desktop, yaitu printscreen. Cukup dengan menekan tombol "Print Screen SysRq" kadang juga tertulis "PrtSc SysRq" maka gambar atau tampilan yang ada di desktop akan terekam di clipboard windows. Hasilnya berupa file gambar berupa file jpg, bmp atau format gambar lainnya.
Dalam bahasan tutorial windows xp kali ini, kita akan mencoba mengcapture tampilan calculator.
1. Aktifkan program calculator, tampilan awalnya seperti di bawah ini
2. Kemudian tekan tombol Printscreen di keyboard anda (untuk memulai capture gambar)
3. buka aplikasi Paint, kemudian pada keyboard tekan tombol Ctrl+V (Paste)
Pada toolbox paint, klik tombol select area (kotak merah), klik dan drag sampai terpilih semua tampilan kalkulator
4. Selanjutnya pada keyboard tekan tombol Ctrl+X (Cut)
5. Pada menu bar paint, pilih File => New
6. Setelah itu pada keyboard tekan tombol Ctrl+V (Paste)
Apabila ukuran background belum sama dengan ukuran gambar, arahkan mouse (pointer) ke pojok kanan bawah, tunggu hingga muncul panah dua arah kemudian geser mouse untuk mengatur ukuran background agar sama dengan ukuran gambar.
7. Setelah ukurannya sama tekan tombol Ctrl+S, atau pada menu bar pilih File => Save , pilih format type jpg.
Sebenarnya ada beberapa aplikasi yang dapat anda gunakan, yang lebih mudah dan praktis seperti screengrab dan FastStone Capture. Software favorite saya untuk mengcapture tampilan desktop adalah FastStone Capture.
Apabila anda ingin melihat ulasan tentang kedua software di atas bisa klik link artikel komputer yang lain di bawah ini:

artikel FastStone

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Problem solving in five easy steps

All of us face several kinds of problems in our life. The most important thing to solve the problem is to understand it. Here are five steps which make this task very easy.

Set your Time

For solving your problem spend at least one or two hours with out any interruptions. Find an hour or two where you can focus on problem solving without distractions. Select a time when you are vigilant and innovative. It can be in morning time or night; it depends upon your mood. Focus on your problem and try to solve the problem.

Note down your problems

Make a note of your problems and try to find out an apt solution for that. Try to include all the features of the problem in it. This will help you to analyze the real cause of your problem as well as helps you to find out an effective solution for the problem.

Come up with Solutions

Note down all the conceptions that strikes you, no matter how awesome or impracticable it may appear. After making a list of possible solutions, find out the better solutions among them.

Set a Plan

Observe is there any way to combine the better options. Whether these option can join together to solve the problem? If not, select any one option which provides the better solution and keep further options as a back up tactics. Split the chosen options in to smaller segments and note down as a record.

Praise Yourself

What you need to do is praise yourself for each step you take to solve the problem .This will motivate you and very easily you can find out a solution for your problem. Moreover it fastens your effort and you get the result for your effort very easily.

Tap yourself on your shoulder, as you are excellent at problem solving, and with each achievement it becomes more effortless for you to face the problem and find out a solution for that.

How to Improve Creative Problem Solving Skill

Today’s fast growing world problem solving skill is one of the essential skills that every one must have. If we can solve the problem effectively we feel good about our self moreover we get appreciation from others. Some problems are very easy to handle but there are certain problems which require creative and practical approach. The person who is capable of using these practical and creative approaches to solve a problem always will be an asset to any organization.

Improving your creative problem solving skill is equal to exercising. Just like a person who wants to reduce his weight and strengthen his muscle, the creative problem solver also has to strengthen his mental muscles to solve problems effectively. Lots of ways are there to practice this, and every person should use different sources into their thinking method to achieve their objectives. Following are some of the useful tips to improve your creative problem solving skill.

1. Every problem has solutions. The first and foremost thing to enhance your creative problem solving skill is to understand that solutions are available for all kind of problems.

2. Give yourself some space to think. We all can work better if we give some place to think. Make some place in your garden, room, workplace or else some other place where you are comfortable to think. This must be a location that induces creative thinking. Make use of such places not only when you require problem solved, but also when you wish to be more enthusiastic before a hectic task.

3. Always ask some question how I can solve the problem? Where I can get the suitable solutions? Asking this type of question enables you to solve the problems. It also makes you to think broadly and give new ideas for solving your problems.

4. Open mind and free thinking is the great way to enhance your creative problem solving skill. This allows you to be frank and think widely to get innovative solution.

5. Make a note of all the possible solutions. Choose one solution among them and analyze all the advantages and disadvantages of the solution. After verifying the solutions select which solution is effective and then apply that solution. If you are in a group you may feel unease and anxiety to reveal your idea or thoughts. Every one in the group must ensure that all thoughts are welcome even if it is awkward. Even though it may look like foolish, but sometimes this foolish is just what you require to get the appeal of your target audience.

In this rapidly growing world creative problem solving is a fabulous asset. Due to the lack of time and creative thinking some people select the first solution that comes in their mind, sometimes it may not be reasonable. The creative solution gratifies not only the present problem but the other problem that may happen in the future. Using the above tips one can improve their creative problem solving skill.

Strategies for problem solving

One of the essential features of problem solving is the capability to become flexible. Every one has his or her own problems and each problem differs from one another. Nevertheless, it is the strategies a man utilize to solve problems which directs to either success or failure. Lots of methods are there to apply while you encounter a problem .The first and foremost step is to follow any ideas or theories which you are familiar with.

Most of the people while they handle a problem make some supposition about the circumstances that obstruct them from bringing a good solution for solving their problem. These suppositions are unavoidable. Actual source for this is because they put certain restrictions to the scope of the problem, and let you arrange a basis that can be used to solve problem. The reason for this is because they set limits to the scope of the problem, and allow you to set up a foundation which can be used to solve them. Suppositions exhibit our needs too. For instance, although a culprit is to be penalized by the public for his offenses, a public that wishes humane penalties would not crave to apply torment. Supposition can also create a problem much easier to resolve. If a problem does not contain any supposition, it is very difficult to handle.

Many people abuse supposition even though it is very essential to solve problems. A supposition must support laws of nature, not barricade that we make. While assumptions are a necessity when it comes to solving problems, many people misuse them. Concentrating on the problem hardly helps. While you face a problem, you must take enough time to think about any supposition that you are taking. Is the supposition required? Can it be used? The proper way to answer these question is to make a note of supposition you possess to solve all the problems. An assumption should be based on laws of nature, not barricade that we create. Focusing on the problem rarely helps. When you run into a problem, you should take the time to think about any assumptions you are making about it. Is the assumption needed? Should it be used? The best way to answer these questions is to create a list of assumptions you have about a specific problem. Lots of people strive to find out a solution for the problem because they apply suppositions that are not rooted in truth or logic. Find out the suppositions that are relevant to solve the problems.

Lots of features are there which people make supposition about, and most important among them are time, money and support. Now we live in world which is full of time restrictions, and nearly all assignment should be finished with in a certain time limit. Nevertheless, most of the people think that a project will take more time than it really should; otherwise they think it will not take the essential time to finish. The second one is the worst of the two, as it makes you completing the assignment late.

For lots of people money is the main problem and they make some suppositions that are not related to logic or truth. For instance, some people will think that we have to pay some amount to get something, without thinking whether their suppositions are true or not. Have you ever listened somebody say ‘if only I had sufficient money, I could achieve it’. In fact this is mental barricade that people make for themselves. Always a talented problem solver will ask the question’ how will I obtain the money to achieve this target? They can solve the problem effectively.

Mutual help and support is very much required, if you are undertaking a team work. Nevertheless, a few people create fake suppositions in this part too. For instance, sometimes you may think your group will be interested in a particular strategy, otherwise you think they will not be interested in a particular strategy.Infact all these are fake suppositions that are not related with truth or logic, because you have not accepted the views or ideas of your team members.

How to develop Interpersonal skill

A good communication skill denotes a good Interpersonal skill. So you should articulate liberally and efficiently in a way that enables you without negotiating the privileges of other people. The given tips will show how excellent communication anger management and conflict analysis and are all interpersonal skills that you can achieve to enhance your relation with others.

Excellent communication:

1) Understand that people need your presence and support. They long for this consideration more than adjustment with them.

2) Before you start your communication you listen to yourself. Ensure that you can understand what is being talked to you. Give proper response this will enable you to deal the situation in an effective way.

3) Enhance your listening power .Instead of thinking about your response to them concentrate on each and every words that are being communicated to you. Don’t replay to their speech unless and until you understand the words that are spoken.

4) Sum up it what you have understood with the communication. If any doubts clarify it by asking some questions to other person.

Emphatic communication:

1) Talk only to the person you wish to speak. Convey your message to that particular person only.

2) Speak what you feel and imagine. Try to be more precise and accurate while you speak.

3) Inspire other people to provide a positive feedback about you. Ask for a simple and reasonable feedback. This interpersonal skill gives them an impression that you are conveying your feelings and thoughts freely instead of commanding .

Conflict analysis:

1) Ask questions to yourself in what way the conflict influences you and why this so significant. The answer will decide what you should say during the conflict. It helps you to handle the situation effectively.

2) Keep up a positive outlook and speak positively and also make others to speak so.

3) Provide others a chance to speak and discuss all the issues. Pay more attention in solving their problems. Give more respect to their requirements.

4) Find out a solution for the problem that is favorable to both the parties. Make sure that all the solutions are exact and reasonable.

Anger management:

1) Try to be more accustomed to your feelings. Identify your anger when it arises.

2) Don’t show your angry towards others who are not responsible for your angry. Identify whether the cause for angry is from outside, some one or inside yourself.

3) If you get angry take a deep breath this will help you to control your angry. Keep yourself away from such situation until you get relaxed.

4) If some body is responsible for your anger don’t blame that person. Instead find out why their behavior is causing you anger.

5) Involve yourself in some activities that help you to control your anger. Make a habit of practicing yoga and meditation daily.

9 Finest Tips for improving your social skill

In a relationship conflict is certainly an unavoidable thing. If you improve social skills you can avoid conflicts in your family, work, or even in your personal relationship. Nevertheless, unsatisfactory communication can direct to contradiction and misconception. How will you get sturdy relationships to guide you to a better future? By improving your social skill you can make a strong and long lasting relationship.

Some finest tips to improve your social skill:

1. Effective communication helps for creating a better understanding or better relationship with others. Even if this will take time you may have some advantage from it.

2. Pay more attention to the talk in group situations, whether it is in meeting or a plain talk with your friends. Concentrate on what is being communicated instead of wasting your time by discussing useless things. You can be creative by discussing new ideas and thoughts rather than the points that had been conferred.

3. Careful listening will help you to get the clear idea about the topic. Some people will try to listen but by some means their attention will divert and some other thing will come into their mind. Some kind of people make an attempt to divert your attention while listening, their main intention will be to declare their thoughts before the speaker completes his topic. Listen carefully and you can wind up being more informed regarding the topic.

4. Pay more attention to the viewpoint of the speaker and understand it, instead of concentrating on your own. Most of the people wish to be listened and understood. Place yourself in that situation and observe what you would feel if you were presenting speech and no one seems to listen to your speech. Accepting valuable information from the speaker with full enthusiasm will result in absolute comprehension of speaker’s topics.

5. While your listeners criticize your viewpoints, try to understand them. Show compassion towards your listener as much as you can. Be more grateful to them not considering how they respond and to react with loveliness. At any rate you know they are concentrating on your speech.

6. Through out your speech keep up maturity. Don’t allow the immature activities from the listener to spoil your thoughts. Admitting all your mistakes be a good model for your listener and inspire them to follow the same.

7. Avoid blaming others for their faults. Eventually, you will be developing strong awareness between you and your listeners.

8. Rather than winning every dispute, find out some solutions for their needs. Cooperate with others or find out some solutions which will provide all what they really want. If your way of thinking and deeds are perfect, no doubt everyone will follow you.

9. Some debates need mutual reverence between you and your listener. Never give up when you know you are right though. Some discussions require mutual respect between you and the people you talk to. Other deliberations can wind up with you losing, but when you identify you are in the exact path, fight for your own view points.

Essential Personal Skills for an excellent Career

Do you have the essential personal skills that you require to become successful in your work? If you do not possess, first identify it and develop your skills. It is the personal skill that determines your success in life. Good personal skill always helps you to give your best. The following are the required skills to facilitate your work.

Excellent behavior: Every one can acquire new skills but it is very difficult to teach a matured one to alter his or her behavior, as it takes more time to obtain. Entire client and employer must have good attitude towards their needs.

Discipline: This is one of the required skills that distinct a high achiever with lower one. It develops your believes in your works as well as in your personal life.

Optimism: If you have a positive attitude towards life, you can achieve your goals by facing all kinds of struggles in your life. Don’t be scared of the failure, hope for the future success even in the failure.

Other required skills:

Creativity: creativity is the one of the important skills that every employee has to possess in his or her career. Always it will be an added advantage for your career.

Influence: A person who possesses this skill has more possibility to become a leader. This skill is very much essential if you have career in higher cooperate section or in politics.

Attentiveness: If you do your works with more attentive, within a short period you will become an expert in your work place.

Unity: possess good personal skills and also have unity with your coworkers and subordinates, no doubt you can become a successful leader.